I'm building a toon with Druid levels and, while picking enhancements in the Nature's Warrior tree, I stopped to wonder about the Aggravate (tier 1) enhancement. The description says:
I had to wonder if, by "an ability that triggers an intimidate check", whether that would include the intimidate check caused by casting Pack Presence and choosing to increase hate generation:Your enemy's fear galvanizes you. Whenever you use intimidate, or use an ability that triggers an intimidate check, you gain DR [2/4/6]/- for the duration of the intimidate effect.
If it works like that, I would consider investing in Aggravate. But my build has no room for investing in the intimidate skill. Nor would it work for my build. So it'd be worthless to me otherwise.Description:
Forms a link between a leader and his or her pack. The caster chooses to reduce or increase his or her minions' hate generation by 75%.The spell affects all of the target's hirelings, pets, summoned creatures, and charmed creatures. The more hate a creature generates, the more likely that its enemies will choose to attack it. If the caster chooses to increase hate generation, then casting the spell causes the caster's hirelings and pets to do an intimidate check with a +20 circumstance bonus to creatures around them.
Oh, and I have another question about this:
Does the DR from Aggravate stack with other sources of DR, such as Stoneskin?