Sorry to post another Idea so quickly but I had two pop into my mind at the same time.
My 2nd Idea was to have an item where you could take experience from one character, and transfer it to another. There could be an item in the ddo store(much cheaper than an otto box) that allows you to fill up to 500k experience from one character, pass it into the shared bank and then take it and use it on another character, once used the "container" is destroyed.
Before everyone starts to say, "People will just make Iconics all the time and keep passing it to their main character," I think this item should be 1 per life. Both for the character losing the experience and the character gaining. The character that is losing the experience must also be an epic level character, and the character gaining it must be heroic. Also, if a character is drained of xp, he or she can no longer benefit from an xp transfer. So if you lose 500k experience, it's gone, you must re-earn it. Only True Reincarnations Reset it(Heroic, Epic, or Iconic) and you cannot use the experience transfer at level 20, as it will be considered having "no experience" and you cannot de-level if you are at epic level, therefore you cannot use it as soon as you take a level. You must be at least 500K experience into your current epic level. No xp bonuses affect the experience. Lastly, the experience transfer would not effect the experience in your epic destiny(they could introduce an epic destiny xp transfer as well).
It would be up to Turbine if they would allow the experience transfer to stack with the Heroic Stone of Experience, as you can probably cap a 3rd Life Toon with those two bonuses.
Let me know what you think
- Silver