Hello. I was once, many moons ago, a bard. Back in the days of yore when things seemed very different (ie near launch). Then I went away, and didn;t come back. But now I've returned to a new account and decided to give a rogue a try. Things seem good and fun. But I was wondering what to do really, and whether I could make things more fun.

I fancy playing a rogue, for sure. I like them. I play with a cleric usually (Warpriest kinda thing, with some heals as needed of course) so that side of things is covered. Me, I guess I'd be the trapmonkey. But I also like to be ranged. So I figured the Mechanic tree.

I'm level 7. I have the standard points build (28), no VIP, no tomes. I'm a halfling. I do have a reincarnation thingy, so could use that if it'd be worthwhile.

I'd prefer to be useful trapwise, and absolutely be ranged.

I don't much wanna spend money on having to get extra points, or tomes. And would like some advice, in something approaching plain English if possible!

Thanks for your time, and once again, hello! Or good bye, as it may be.