Hey Folks,
I'm after an EE Helm of the Blue Dragon with +3 Insightful Wisdom.
If you have one to trade, let me know what you want. I don't have much but a few things I have are:
Red Scales
Helm of the Blue Dragon (EH) +8 Wisdom
Helm of the Black Dragon (EH) +8 Constitution
Helm of the White Dragon (EE) +8 Strength
Helm of the White Dragon (EH) +3 Ins Dexterity
Death’s Locket (EE)
Chill of Winter (EE)
Arcing Sky (EE)
Mantle of the Dragonfriend (EE)
Skullsmasher (EE)
Belt of Seven Ideals (EE)
Tortured Livewood Bow (EE)
Bulwark of the Storm’s Fist (EE)
Prismatic Cloak (EE) Wiz X
Let me know via PM.