Monastery for Monks

Hi I am leader of a small monastery "guild" on Thelanis called the White Lotus Monastary. We are mid-level (57) and have a tempest ship with ammenities most suitable for monks. As a monastery we only accept other monks --you must have at least one level monk (exceptions are for tr build completion that are alignment restricted like Barbarian -- but one is expected to return to some splash of monk or more after such a build). Officer status (what we call SiFu -- or teacher) of course carries through trs.

Our daily message of the day is a martial art code from the White Dragon Fist style of Kung Fu to which I am quite familiar in real life. Sidis (Students) in the monastery should choose at least 5 codes that reflect the idea of their character and be able to repeat them back to the the senior instructor "Sigung (myself) for advancement in to Sifu (officer) status. They must have served at least 17 levels in the guild also to achieve such status. Why 17? As a tip of the hat to the original pnp dungeons and dragons game to which 17 was the max level to achieve status and rank.

(By the way in reference to the early pnp game, starting at level 8 in order to progress a monk one had to duel a similar level monk and defeat him/her or he would not be able to advance. I am looking for a rival monk guild that would be willing to have members square off in player vs player for such purposes with losers having to donate a significant amount of pp to the other temple/monastary/ guild as well as have to wait one rl day before making another challenge in order to see if they can advance. This is not happening at this time in our guild, but is something I would like to have happen -- are there other monk guilds out there on Thelanis interested?)

At this time we have to openings for membership available as we are limiting our number of members in the guild to six accounts for maximum guild xp. However if I receive a large number of applicants above the 2 openings we may trade the xp renown curve for the more members who would sufficiently compensate that reknown rate. With this in mind we are looking for players who log in and quest at least twice a week on average. Anyone not active after a month is dismissed unless via communication with myself they have shared why they will be gone so long.

Some of the perks of being a monks only guild, besides uniqueness, is that our ship amenities are selected to help the monk. I also have quite a bit of experience with various monk builds that may help you with yours (I am a heroic completionist, working on epic who has tried quiet a variety of monk splashes, etc. as well as my favorite -- the pure monk). We also have a high level wizened crafter monk who can make anything available from the Crafting Hall system.

If you have questions or are interested in joining, contact me by sending a mail to my character Xeang or send a tell when I am on (which is pretty much every day).

Seek peace always but if threatened then let the soul become a warrior!