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I do feel like completionist and epic completionist should be autogranted to you upon achievement. Its not like either is easy to do.
I have fully ground out 8 lives on my completionist character, and the more i think about it, I feel like I deserve to be autogranted the feat. I've used xp pots, but I haven't skipped any levels with stones. Likewise with epic completionist, you have to put in a lot of work to earn the feat. Just the thought of doing all those quests another 4-5 times makes me question the worth of +2 to all stats, if I have to sink a feat into it. That amounts to an extra +1 spell DC or +1 damage, which isn't all that terrific.
Asking people to grind out Demon Sands and Gianthold for the umpteenth time seems worth of a feat. I work at my own pace and generally do Threnal for the crafting bits. Just doing the full Threnal chain 14 times is worth a special feat. Coyle is a serious jerk to deal with. Can I get my choice of +/- 10% stacking threat after dealing with that a$$hole?
It makes more sense to autogrant the feat rather than clog up limited feat resources on the build you plan to finish with, given the time, resource and money expenditure required, is amazingly expensive. I've never done the math to total up the points and real world money I've put into the game on my quest for completionist, but it has to be worth at least one free feat.
The past life feats are ok, but nothing to really write home about considering you're forced to run only elite past life 3. I've been debating the effort vs payoff ever since my fifth life, and at this point, I feel like I should focus on end game equipment over earning a pretty decent feat that I still have to pay for.
Full, triple completionist should definitely have its own feat. +6 to all stats, or +4 to all stats and skills would be a decent reward for all the work involved, and would reward all the players that have stuck with DDO through thick and thin to achieve the feat. Sometimes you ask a lot of us just dealing with terrible management choices over the years.
Completionist TR has been my goal, but I'm starting to rethink the worth now that I've passed the halfway mark and realized what an investment it really is. (Threnal anyone?) I feel like I've earned a passive +2 overall stat boost with 6 lives. Make it +5 and I'll spend a feat on that. The completionist feat should be autogranted, or add heroic versions of epic-only quests. You wouldn't believe how excited I was to see the lvl 9 Haunted Halls bug. I would be all over that for level 11 elite.
The Troll can say some dumb **** at times, but I think he's on the mark with this point. Overall, I think he's a valuable asset to where the game should be headed.