Alright , turns out sorcs arent fun to play ... just not my type , yeh big numbers are fun to see and all but no..just no .
I had a pm wizard before the enhancement update, was really fun to play, really enjoyed him,but for some reason i got convinced into tr'ing into a sorc, but it didnt work out like i hoped it will , its just not fun to play sorc .Im currently lvl 21, i parked him thinking i cant do anything to make it fun except tr'ing again but i cant do that now since he's the only one thats capped and im trying to level my other toon. Then the update comes out , and i get the +20 heart , and i thought my problem is fixed ,i can get back to being a wizard , but no , turns out you cant change race with lesser hearts, and yeh im a wf sorc.
Now im trying to figure out what build to go after that works with wf , i really want it to be another pm wizard but i cant figure out how thatll work with wf, and ive been on the forums for a while trying to find a way to turn that boring sorc back into the fun wizard i had ,so any ideas are really appreciated.