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  1. #1

    Default Rowan, could you throw us a bone... well a bag preferably?

    Glad to see U21 is adding two extra inventory tabs. Sad to see we have to buy both of them (Lama cost of 595TP each).

    Any chance you could swap one of those from TP cost to Favor earned? Please?

    There's already a favor tier that gives nothing:
    Member of The Twelve - 250 Favor
    Title of Honorary Member of the Twelve (DDO doesn't actually have "titles" implemented, so there is no actual reward.)
    Current maximum possible The Twelve favor is 342 as of U11.

    All the packs that make up Twelve favor already require VIP or pack purchase so it's not technically for free.

    Yes I know every 2 years someone bandies words about adding the titles setup or redo'ing all the favor rewards. But at this point those words are just air squealing from a balloon or a junior high pep rally for the high school curling team or Eladin's goodbye message after 6 years*...

    Or we could compromise. I see there's room for a 3 new inventory tabs. Add 2 payed ones and 1 favor one? Pretty please.

    *sniff, clears eyes* **** you for not saying goodbye Eladrin!
    Last edited by Gratch; 01-31-2014 at 06:07 PM.
    Casual DDOaholic

  2. #2
    Community Member whereispowderedsilve's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Gratch View Post
    Glad to see U21 is adding two extra inventory tabs. Sad to see we have to buy both of them (Lama cost of 595TP each).

    Any chance you could swap one of those from TP cost to Favor earned? Please?

    There's already a favor tier that gives nothing:
    Member of The Twelve - 250 Favor
    Title of Honorary Member of the Twelve (DDO doesn't actually have "titles" implemented, so there is no actual reward.)
    Current maximum possible The Twelve favor is 342 as of U11.

    All the packs that make up Twelve favor already require VIP or pack purchase so it's not technically for free.

    Yes I know every 2 years someone bandies words about adding the titles setup or redo'ing all the favor rewards. But at this point those words are just air squealing from a balloon or a junior high pep rally for the high school curling team or Eladin's goodbye message after 6 years*...

    Or we could compromise. I see there's room for a 3 new inventory tabs. Add 2 payed ones and 1 favor one? Pretty please.

    *sniff, clears eyes* **** you for not saying goodbye Eladrin!
    Signed. Wow makes SO much sense, seriously for reals. I sincerely hope nobody is against/opposes this for whatever *lore* reasons or what not if there are any.

    Awesome! +1! Sign this!!!:

    DDO toll free support phone#: 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)

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