Originally Posted by
My information may be anecdotal, but that's where things start. I speak with the people I play with. I've read many a VIP's forum responses to premium player's claiming that they pay more in TP than VIPs do. And when the VIP's responses include a short accounting of their TP purchases/expenditures, I don't usually see the premium poster respond in kind. There's no whipping out of the credit card bills to see who's is larger.
I even qualified my original statement saying that without sales figures I couldn't be sure. So what's your real problem? You responded to my post twice. And it appears you've called me bigoted. That's so cute.
Thing is, neither Qhualor nor I implied that premiums are "poor cheap mofos that that don't support the game." That was all you.
"Pillars of the community?" LOL - I really don't think the words you're reading between the lines mean what you think they mean.
It's very simple the whole concept/theory you have is bigoted. When you make statements that a "certain" group spends less because of how they choose to spend their money "vip or premium based" it becomes personal attacks especially when you imply VIP spend more simply because they are vip. Unless you can access every vip and premiums bank accounts and see their spending your claims are just rubbish for the sake of bringing rubbish into it.
It's the very same thing that is implied every single time a vip vs premium thread happens in these forums and it needs to stop, it only divides us when we should be standing together without all the hate and "bellayaching", to borrow the word from Qhualor, I see from both sides.
People will spend w/e they feel they can spend on the game whether they are vip or premium and that is the truth of it. Making it about premium or vip is what makes your claims bigoted and if you can't see that well,, as they say is hard to see the bad in ourselves isn't it.
A "founder's guild." That statement lends no more legitimacy to your opinions than anything I've said apply to mine.
If nearly all of the people I used to run with when I joined don't play any more, I doubt that your guild is comprised primarily of founders and betas. If it is, your guild is an outlier so far from the norm that there's no point in comparing it to any other guild.
I mentioned I was in a founder guild for one simple reason to show that indeed most of my guild are vip, sure some of us like myself are not and guess what? Not once has one of them tried to imply how much members spend on TP has anything to do with being premium or vip. Point I wanted to drive home though was the vip outnumber the premium in the guild which ties in to what you say next
Most of the people I play with are VIP. My knowledge of their spending habits is limited to what I hear them talk about and see them use. I also know that I don't go telling other people how much I spend on TP.
But if you look at their cosmetics, use of ship portals, ask what size bags they're using, pay attention to their use of cakes, SP pots, timer bypasses &c... You'll see that their spending habits can't supported by their VIP allowance.
Like I said most of my guildies are vip and guess what *gasp* I talk and play the game with them as much as you do with yours and guess what most don't spend enormous amount buying TP. Guess what though I don't use this small small small sample of the player base to try and fuel any kind of bigoted or prejudiced view I may have about the rest of the player base.
Ask any VIP; "So 500TP/month, eh? That's pretty good, right?" 500 tp is nothing. (I'll admit it is still better than a kick in the head, at present.)
I agree 500tp a month is too little for vip. What you and other people like you that keep making it about vip vs premium need to understand is that it's possible to talk about the balance between vip and premiums without turning it into a who spends more peeing match. I think the game is better of with both group than just one group be it one or the other.
Now think about that. That's many a VIP's attitude towards 500 TP. It's like that free spirit cake from Korthos. It's the push that sends you down the slippery slope.
Yes lets think about attitudes for a minute shall we? ..... How about both vip and premiums keep this about the game and not who pays more especially since who puts more money in the game can vary I am sure from month to month regardless of being premium or vip as this has to do with people personal financial situations and not whether they choose to be vip or premium. When we go there it goes into the realm of personal attacks but against a whole group rather than one person.
500TP is kinda like that +2 to +3 upgrade tome. You can't really use it. So just like the guy who gets tricked into buying the first tome so he can use the second tome, you buy more TP.
Now you have at least 1300 TP, so you usually don't buy the 750 TP item, you buy the more expensive one.
But now you're almost out of TP (if not out), so you learn to buy bigger when buying TP too.
Aside from consumables, 500TP doesn't have much purchasing power. We buy just as many bags as anyone else, bank space, inventory space, cosmetics &c. And those of us who have played more than a year know we need the biggest bags/containers. And then we buy consumables too.
Your point is? All this is equally valid for premiums. 500tp is not much I agree and I have always said they need more perks and increased TP per month. Guess what though? All this really has no bearing on who spends more but has to do more with some feeling vip are not getting their moneys worth.
I've heard of VIPs saving their TP, but I've never spoken with anyone who has managed to.
The VIPs I've played with don't favour farm for TP nearly as much as premium players do (in fact, none I know of). The returns for the effort don't compare to our allowance. We get our inventory and then pretty much ignore the TP reward notices that come in the mail. Because if 500 TP is nothing, 25 TP is less than nothing.
Again with a bigoted viewpoint! Again with the arrogant and prejudice filled assumption that because someone is premium they "favor farm" all their points instead of buying them. (You see how it comes off as seeing premium as poor cheap mofos). Guess what I don't favor farm, do I get TP from favor? Sure because I like to TR but that is far far from where the majority of my TP comes from. My TP tends to come from 20$ and 35$ point bundles.
You make some points which would be valid about vip but then you flush it all down the drain with your bigoted "premium favor farm more than vip" attitude/claim.
And then, there are VIPs with more than one VIP account (although I can't understand that one, unless it's for their kids).
I will help you with this one, like us premium I am sure there are vips that play with their wife/other halves and thus more than one account or indeed like you mention they have kids or they just plain are addicted and need two accounts for some reason.
This is the same for both group I am sure since I play with my wife so every pack/xpack TP purchase I make I tend to make x2. If I buy myself 20$ worth of TP I tend to buy 20$ worth for my wife too. It's not something limited to vip!
I've hated the way they've been throwing XP at VIPs to (re)sweeten the pot so we'd keep subscribing. Linking Comm rates to our XP bonus will the first redeeming thing they've done for us since they started charging us for character classes.
Yes I can see the hate very well! How about you direct it where it belongs instead of at premiums?
The free ETR heart was just a PR response to our anger, and would have been better if we'd had a choice of an ETR heart or an ITR heart. And it wouldn't have even been thought of as a good idea if they had provided reasonable Comm rates to start with.
Yes I agree it was a PR thing and I agree a reasonable com drop rate is a must, I would go even further and say it should be a must for both groups and both groups should be working actively to make that happen.