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  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Xaxx View Post
    Dang it you now I gotta go dig through my books to find my faith books lol.
    Ha! Made you read! ;p

    Quote Originally Posted by Xaxx View Post
    Oh and sorry didnt mean to disrail your thread.... also if you want bastard sword... twinblade for visual ... that way you can wield two bastard swords at the same time with swf ... though they really dont look to much like a moon blade
    you didn't derail this on your own...admit had fun ^^

    twinblade just doesn't fit the mold for me and Eili did traditionally only carry one...heck it's even in her deity symbol!

  2. #62
    Community Member Xaxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadCookieQueen View Post
    Ha! Made you read! ;p

    you didn't derail this on your own...admit had fun ^^

    twinblade just doesn't fit the mold for me and Eili did traditionally only carry one...heck it's even in her deity symbol!
    Always happy to expand my knowledge base on things.

  3. #63
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    Hi madcookie. Have you tried this as 15 Bard/4 fighter/1 FVS?

    I currently run a PDK 15 Bard/ 3 Ftr /2 Rogue.

    Just 13 AP in stalwart defender with the shield mastery chain (including legendary twist) gets my current bard an insane amount of PRR, MRR, HPs, and doublestrike. I know they may change this in the future but who knows when and if- so I am rolling with it.

    Making this build PDK fighter would add 3 feats. You could probably build it so that strength was just under charisma while you are using Frozen fury but if you want a damage boost pop DM and strength takes over? Would also make it so that if one of your dmg stats (str or cha) gets lowered you wont miss a beat.

    The main thing I miss with the way my build is.... sometimes you are surrounded by a bunch of mobs, they aren't really hurting me... but I have to kill them one at a time... Frozen fury and coup makes it faster but man- popping a divine might and cleaving the **** out of them would be fun!! Or maybe take bastard sword proficiency equip a sunblade and start glancing blows? That could possibly be a benefit as soon as you hit 20. Only way I can see getting glancing blows while swashbuckling.

    Sorry I am all over the place. IF you were going to do PDK 15B/4F/1FVS I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see how you would build it... pretty pretty pretty please!!

    PS I am really used to having evasion. Does not having it make it pretty hard at first?
    Last edited by drnknmnky; 10-12-2014 at 03:35 PM.

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by drnknmnky View Post
    Hi madcookie. Have you tried this as 15 Bard/4 fighter/1 FVS?
    Hi! I haven't tried that split...I do run a 15 bard / 4 FVS / 1 fighter: Keidara the Firestarter

    Quote Originally Posted by drnknmnky View Post
    I currently run a PDK 15 Bard/ 3 Ftr /2 Rogue.

    Just 13 AP in stalwart defender with the shield mastery chain (including legendary twist) gets my current bard an insane amount of PRR, MRR, HPs, and doublestrike. I know they may change this in the future but who knows when and if- so I am rolling with it.
    They might make this change in the future or they may not. I try to not get attached to a game mechanic that has been publicly stated by the devs that it shouldn't be working. I know it can take years before they fix it, but I also know my luck...if I become'll get fixed ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by drnknmnky View Post
    Making this build PDK fighter would add 3 feats. You could probably build it so that strength was just under charisma while you are using Frozen fury but if you want a damage boost pop DM and strength takes over? Would also make it so that if one of your dmg stats (str or cha) gets lowered you wont miss a beat.
    It would also make me a hideous half orc in human skin...bleh...

    I know PDK has an ability, Cormyrean Knight Training, that if strength gets higher than charisma they lose a pile of tactical DCs. So you'd actually hurt yourself by popping your strength up. So if you do PDK, you'd want to be CHA based to max out the Frozen Fury DC and the bonus from 1/3 of you CHA modifer as tactical DCs could keep you with a respectable Stunning Blow.

    So, yes, you'd skip several beats in trying to juggle STR to CHA with tactical DCs on the line.

    Quote Originally Posted by drnknmnky View Post
    The main thing I miss with the way my build is.... sometimes you are surrounded by a bunch of mobs, they aren't really hurting me... but I have to kill them one at a time... Frozen fury and coup makes it faster but man- popping a divine might and cleaving the **** out of them would be fun!! Or maybe take bastard sword proficiency equip a sunblade and start glancing blows? That could possibly be a benefit as soon as you hit 20. Only way I can see getting glancing blows while swashbuckling.
    I couldn't justify the feat expenditure for glancing blows...if I'm taking bastard sword...I'm wielding a bastard sword ^^ Though I see the appeal in doing it...with end game as it is...go Celestia.

    My other bard (link above) I deal with crowds with some massive AoE damage. My primal scream crits for 2.5k, I energy burst for 4k and go to town...drop in a consecrated ground and a few amoleating strikes and not only is everything dead in seconds...I'm at full health. I find that shot of boom to be quicker in cutting down mobs than DM/Cleave and go to town.

    Quote Originally Posted by drnknmnky View Post
    Sorry I am all over the place. IF you were going to do PDK 15B/4F/1FVS I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see how you would build it... pretty pretty pretty please!!

    PS I am really used to having evasion. Does not having it make it pretty hard at first?
    There isn't much mystery to it...max CHA, Dex to get precision, CON, left over in STR...feats would just add in the shield mastery line and whatever else.

    If I find some time I can sketch something out...but that's a big might want to take a stab at it and post it up (as your own thread) for all other Bards to take a peek at.

    Well...before Swashbuckler I could never get my saves up high enough to where evasion actually did really I can't miss what I didn't have. And I was to playing a Bard back when they were the red headed step child of DDO. =)

    Hope some of that on!

  5. #65
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    Hi MCQ!

    First off I want to say thank you. Thank you very much for what you and some others are able to do on these forums. I have gone from a complete lack of understanding of almost everything in this game to a somewhat workable understanding of some of this game . LOL. Thank you for the willingness and the patience to explain things without even a hint of condescension. I am enjoying the game so much more than I used to.

    What I meant about having str and cha high was that I figured, if both are high and say my cha had a whole bunch of stat dmg once my cha went below str, str would take over and I would still be doing decent dmg. So just with CKT I am not completely screwed if one stat gets completely destroyed. Probably not even a relevant thing.

    I think I will understand your builds better if I just start playing one of them. I might as well have an alt instead of just playing one character all the time. I wont know if I will hate not having evasion and trap skills until I try to play without them. I have very little game knowledge of under level 15. I started playing again a few months ago after 3 years away from the game and I didn't know what I was doing back then. I came back to a level 17 , bought the expansions, capped, did an epic reincarnation, true reincarnation to PDK and am now at 27 again. Would you be terribly offended if I sent you some PM questions or asked them maybe in this thread?

  6. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by drnknmnky View Post
    Hi MCQ!

    First off I want to say thank you. Thank you very much for what you and some others are able to do on these forums. I have gone from a complete lack of understanding of almost everything in this game to a somewhat workable understanding of some of this game . LOL. Thank you for the willingness and the patience to explain things without even a hint of condescension. I am enjoying the game so much more than I used to.
    Mission achieved!

    Thank you so much for your kind words, glad you're having fun again. that's the goal

    Quote Originally Posted by drnknmnky View Post
    What I meant about having str and cha high was that I figured, if both are high and say my cha had a whole bunch of stat dmg once my cha went below str, str would take over and I would still be doing decent dmg. So just with CKT I am not completely screwed if one stat gets completely destroyed. Probably not even a relevant thing.
    The damage is one thing...if CHA and STR bounce around you'll still be fun damage wise. the problem is if you want to reasonably rely on Frozen Fury for a melee crowd control. You'll lose 1/3 of your CHA modifer as a bonus to your tactical DCs. That was my only concern. However if you aren't looking at any tactical DC combat abilities then don't sweat it ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by drnknmnky View Post
    I think I will understand your builds better if I just start playing one of them. I might as well have an alt instead of just playing one character all the time. I wont know if I will hate not having evasion and trap skills until I try to play without them. I have very little game knowledge of under level 15. I started playing again a few months ago after 3 years away from the game and I didn't know what I was doing back then. I came back to a level 17 , bought the expansions, capped, did an epic reincarnation, true reincarnation to PDK and am now at 27 again. Would you be terribly offended if I sent you some PM questions or asked them maybe in this thread?
    once upon a time...

    I used to insist on a few things for all my toons...toughness and 2 rogue levels (evasion and traps)...then one day I really started studying the game mechanics and math and whatnot and realized that at the end of the day for some characters it just doesn't makes sense.

    I was too busy trying to diversify the toons when in reality I did better with a narrow scope and making those few things even better. Sure sometimes it's annoying to not have the ability to do traps or evasion...but when I get a chance to do things like have amazing stunning blow or a higher powered AoE effect...I don't miss it.

    Yeah...make another toon and try things out...take it to 20...if you like the toon...keep it and go forward. If you don't like it...well make it a mule or just TR into something else you like to try. I got one toon that "accidentally" was 1/2 to completionist because she was my experimental toon. I still experiment with her...and it's fun!

    Ask all the questions you want...I'll be here!

    Good luck and game on!

  7. #67
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    Default Barbarian Rage instead maybe?

    I know it doesn't really fit the flavor, but by going through your build and thinking of it in the light of 16/2/2 Bard/FvS/Barb, with Barb Rage for a total of 7 Str & 4 Con instead of just 4 Str.

    When endgame are we not raged?

    Don't get me wrong, I love bardic rage as it sits atm, however by using barbarian, you trade 1 feat, 2 bard levels (mostly useless except for???) and gain the ability to start 1 to 3 points lower in Str at start, saving 3 to 7 starting Stat Points for distribution elsewhere...

    Was just a wandering thought through my head, have you given it much thought yourself?
    Quote Originally Posted by ProdigalGuru View Post
    Note to Self: Dear Self, I like you very much, but you are an idiot. Next time, check your facts. There is no point letting everyone else know you are an idiot. It might also help if you were to stop posting at 4 AM. Sincerely, Self

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by butlerfamilywa View Post
    I know it doesn't really fit the flavor, but by going through your build and thinking of it in the light of 16/2/2 Bard/FvS/Barb, with Barb Rage for a total of 7 Str & 4 Con instead of just 4 Str.

    When endgame are we not raged?

    Don't get me wrong, I love bardic rage as it sits atm, however by using barbarian, you trade 1 feat, 2 bard levels (mostly useless except for???) and gain the ability to start 1 to 3 points lower in Str at start, saving 3 to 7 starting Stat Points for distribution elsewhere...

    Was just a wandering thought through my head, have you given it much thought yourself?
    This ability to cast spells and use abilities (not allowed under barb rage) is worth more than 56 hit points and 1 point of base damage, imo.

  9. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by butlerfamilywa View Post
    I know it doesn't really fit the flavor, but by going through your build and thinking of it in the light of 16/2/2 Bard/FvS/Barb, with Barb Rage for a total of 7 Str & 4 Con instead of just 4 Str.

    When endgame are we not raged?

    Don't get me wrong, I love bardic rage as it sits atm, however by using barbarian, you trade 1 feat, 2 bard levels (mostly useless except for???) and gain the ability to start 1 to 3 points lower in Str at start, saving 3 to 7 starting Stat Points for distribution elsewhere...

    Was just a wandering thought through my head, have you given it much thought yourself?

    I have actually considered a Barb/Bard combo...just never got it down on paper (though Pretty Hate Machine does sound like a cool build...and a pretty awesome NIN CD).

    The problem is with Barbarian Rage over Skaldic Rage is the fact that when using Barbarian rage you cannot cast spells, wands, clickies, etc. Even then it's short lived, but long enough to stop any burst healing from happening, which might be more trouble than it's worth.

    I personally wouldn't trade in a permanent stat increase for a temporary one. giving up, up to 3 points of base STR, isn't something I would want to do, because it will bring me down 1 DC and some damage dealing. I know that it doesn't seem like a whole lot, but as any DC caster can tell you, 1 DC does matter, in a numbers game.

    and would be a major deviation of whereas I can justify swapping to FVS over genre Cleric...I don't think I could still call her the Avatar of Eilistraee with barbarian levels in there ^^

    Like all things I encourage you to try it, if you have some base ideas for stats and things, post them up. As long as you are happy with what you play...that is all that matters.

    Good luck and game on!

  10. #70
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    Default Tesyus

    Point taken

    As for a weapon design/look...

    Take a look at Tesyus from Black Anvil Mines to use as a Glamour over your Thunderholme Shortsword.

    Yes it is a Longsword, however it looks like a Bastard sword. It sticks a good 1/2 of its body above the drow's head while blocking, and looks better than the Celestia imho.

    With Glamours, it doesn't matter the base item, so look as it looks right

    I paired this with the Bijio shield of legends, as the description stated it was a drow ceremonial shield.

    Looks quite good together actually. (Glamoured Shortsword & Buckler)

    The wiki doesn't show the white pure good glow around the weapon by default.
    Quote Originally Posted by ProdigalGuru View Post
    Note to Self: Dear Self, I like you very much, but you are an idiot. Next time, check your facts. There is no point letting everyone else know you are an idiot. It might also help if you were to stop posting at 4 AM. Sincerely, Self

  11. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by butlerfamilywa View Post
    Point taken

    As for a weapon design/look...

    Take a look at Tesyus from Black Anvil Mines to use as a Glamour over your Thunderholme Shortsword.

    Yes it is a Longsword, however it looks like a Bastard sword. It sticks a good 1/2 of its body above the drow's head while blocking, and looks better than the Celestia imho.

    With Glamours, it doesn't matter the base item, so look as it looks right

    I paired this with the Bijio shield of legends, as the description stated it was a drow ceremonial shield.

    Looks quite good together actually. (Glamoured Shortsword & Buckler)

    The wiki doesn't show the white pure good glow around the weapon by default.

    You'll have to post up a screenie of your set up. ^^

    That's one of the things I like about the Glamours it gives you the look you want...and after all...looking cool is that matters...right?

  12. #72
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    Default Been a couple years!

    Been away for a couple years... now back on the DDO scene.

    Love Ellis build! I have a lvl 28 Bard now of my own that i do like.

    Have the Ellis build up to lvl 13 now and rocking the STR and love it!

    Anyone still play this type of build?

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