U23 Update: Post #45
Personally I love the Realms…I especially love the deities in the realms. One of my favorites is Eilistraee (Drow, moon maiden who dances under the moonlight and wields a very large moonblade to smite her foes...go read her story it's very cool). I decided I wanted to play a character in the spirit of her deity stats.
This build is not for the faint of heart....also it is in no way a Nannybot build....and it's full of flavor.
You will kill things.
You will be the CC master...but only because it makes your life better.
You will make the Barbarian jealous with your strength.
You shall smite the wicked and laugh like a maniac when the pile of bodies around you stacks up....oh wait...that's just me.
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Class Split: 18 Bard / 1 Fighter / 1 Cleric (BCBBBBBBBBBBBBBBFBBB)
Race: Drow (remember this is mostly a flavor build...so yeah pick another race if you like)
Str: 49/80(86)-- (17 base + 5 tome +7 lvl +1 GoTIB +10 Item +3 ED +2 ship +2 enh +2 Yugo / +2 Inspire Exec + 5 morale +4 tenser +16 Divine Might +4 Skaldic Rage +6 Titan’s Grip)
Dex: 34 / 40 -- (15 base + 5 tome + 9 item +1 GoTIB +2 ship +2 Yugo / +2 Inspire Exec + 4 tenser)
Con: 31/42 -- (12 base +5 tome +8 item +3 insight +1 GoTIB +2 Ship / +2 Inspire Exec +5 Morale +4 tenser)
Int: 18 / 20-- (10 base +5 tome +1 GoTIB +2 ship /+2 Inspire Exec )
Wis: 16 / 18-- (8 base +5 tome +1 GoTIB +2 ship /+2 Inspire Exec )
Cha: 38 / 42 -- (17 base +5 tome +2 enhancements +9 item +2 insight +1 GoTIB +2 ship / +2 Inspire Exec +2 yugo)
Skills: Max Concentration, Balance, Perform, Heal, UMD, 7 points into bluff, 1 point into tumble
Feats: Passive Past Life: Fighter x3
Base: Maximize (1), Two Weapon Fighting (3), Empower Healing (6), Quicken (9), Improved Two Weapon Fighting (12), Improved Critical: Pierce (15), Stunning Blow (18), Inspire Excellence (21), Exotic Weapon Prof: Bastard Swords (24), Epic DR (27),
Fighter: Greater Two-weapon fighting (16),
Destiny: Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting (26), Tactician (28)
Spellsinger (36): Spellsinger (1), Music of the Sewers (1), Music of the Dead (1), Music of the Makers (1), Virtuoso (1), Haunting Melody III (3), Musical Studies III (3), Lingering Songs III (3), Sharp Note III (3), Charlatan II (2), Spell Song Trance (2), Charisma II (4), Enthrallment (2), Song of Arcane Might (2), Sustaining Song (2), Song of Capering (2), Spell Song Vigor (2), Advanced Musical Studies I (1)
Warchanter (26): Skaldic Rage (1), Fighting Spirit I (1), Rough and Ready III (3), Poetic Edda III (3), Action Boost: Sprint II (2), Strength II (4), Inspired Bravery III (3), Boast III (3), Ironskin Chant (3), Inspire Recklessness III (3)
Fighter – Kensei (10): Kensei Focus: Light Blades (1), Extra Action Boost III (6), Haste Boost III (3),
Cleric – Warpriest (4): Smite Foe (1), Divine Might III (3)
Cleric – Radiant Servant (4): Healing Domain (1), Wand Mastery III (3)
Core Stats:
HP: 720 Standing / 846 Boosted (126 levels +80 epic +294/420 con +25 heroic +10 draconic +50 False Life +15 auto grants +100 Fury +10 Shroud +10 Warchanter)
Double Strike: 15/23% (8%/15% Item + 5% Perfect TWF + 3% Draconic Ferocity +5 Inspire Recklessness)
Stunning Blow DC: 71/74 (73/76 with shaken) – (10 base + 35/38 Str +5 exc combat mastery +10 stunning +2 feat +6 legendary tactics +3 Ftr PL / +2 injury [shaken])
Fascinate DC: 82 (23 ranks + 8 epic +15 Cha +4 Exceptional +2 luck +4 morale +1 profane +1 ship +20 item +4 bard)
Positive Spell Power: 229/454 (138 Devotion +24 implement +25 heal skill +6 RS +36 SS / +150 Maximize +75 Empower Heal)
PRR: 32 (10 Epic Feat + 16 Augment +6 PRR)
UMD: 62 -- (23 ranks +8 epic +15 Cha +4 exceptional +2 luck +4 morale +1 profane +1 ship +4 SS)
Fort: 44/48 – (10 base +4 epic +16 con +4 morale +10 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 Ship/ +4 insightful -4 yugo)
Ref: 51/55 – (11 base +4 epic +15 dex +4 morale +10 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 Ship +1 haste /+4 insightful)
Will: 35/39 – (13 base +4 epic +4 wis +4 morale +10 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 Ship -4 Yugo /+4 Insightful)
Epic Destiny – Fury of the Wild:
Damage Reduction III (3), Primal Scream III (3), Injury (1), Acute Instincts III (3), Sense Weakness III (3), Strength III (6), Overwhelming Force III (3), Fury Eternal (2), Unbridled Fury (2)
Twists: Fatesinger: Reign (3), Legendary Dreadnought: Legendary Tactics (1), Cocoon (1)
Trinket: Planar Focus: Prowess +8 Con/ PLIS
Head: Black dragon +3 insightful Con, (Green: Good Luck, Yellow: Spell points)
Neck: Epic Shimmering (yellow: +2i Cha)
Goggles: Deadly 10, Resistance 10
Bracers: Skirmishers or Superior Parry of Greater Convo
Body: Black Dragon (Blue: Fortification)
Cloak: Ghost Waking
Ring: Consuming Darkenss (Green: +16 PRR)
Ring: Seal of Dun’Ro’Bar +7 con, Stunning 10
Boots: Rad II (+150 sp,+10 hp, + 2 dex, +4 cha, +6 int)
Gloves: EE Backstabbers (Yellow: Globe)
Belt: Str 10, False Life 50
Weapons: Celestia (boss beaters only...one proc and your enthralled masses are coming for you) / Nightmare (Devotion slotted) / First Blood
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Public Service Announcement:
Please be kind if you have a Bard in the party turn off IPS and watch the Cleaves...otherwise I am NOT responsible for when the hellish mob I just froze for you comes alive and kills you. If you can't kill an entire group in 3 seconds or less don't break the song. And yes, that applies to me too...hence the lack of cleave and why I don't use Celestias all the time.
I've been playing her for quite a while now...thought I'd be nice and share the love. (Special thanks to Ash for helping me clean up and tweak this build)