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    Default Avatar of Eilistraee

    U23 Update: Post #45

    Personally I love the Realms…I especially love the deities in the realms. One of my favorites is Eilistraee (Drow, moon maiden who dances under the moonlight and wields a very large moonblade to smite her foes...go read her story it's very cool). I decided I wanted to play a character in the spirit of her deity stats.

    This build is not for the faint of heart....also it is in no way a Nannybot build....and it's full of flavor.

    You will kill things.

    You will be the CC master...but only because it makes your life better.

    You will make the Barbarian jealous with your strength.

    You shall smite the wicked and laugh like a maniac when the pile of bodies around you stacks up....oh wait...that's just me.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Class Split: 18 Bard / 1 Fighter / 1 Cleric (BCBBBBBBBBBBBBBBFBBB)
    Race: Drow (remember this is mostly a flavor yeah pick another race if you like)

    Str: 49/80(86)-- (17 base + 5 tome +7 lvl +1 GoTIB +10 Item +3 ED +2 ship +2 enh +2 Yugo / +2 Inspire Exec + 5 morale +4 tenser +16 Divine Might +4 Skaldic Rage +6 Titan’s Grip)
    Dex: 34 / 40 -- (15 base + 5 tome + 9 item +1 GoTIB +2 ship +2 Yugo / +2 Inspire Exec + 4 tenser)
    Con: 31/42 -- (12 base +5 tome +8 item +3 insight +1 GoTIB +2 Ship / +2 Inspire Exec +5 Morale +4 tenser)
    Int: 18 / 20-- (10 base +5 tome +1 GoTIB +2 ship /+2 Inspire Exec )
    Wis: 16 / 18-- (8 base +5 tome +1 GoTIB +2 ship /+2 Inspire Exec )
    Cha: 38 / 42 -- (17 base +5 tome +2 enhancements +9 item +2 insight +1 GoTIB +2 ship / +2 Inspire Exec +2 yugo)

    Skills: Max Concentration, Balance, Perform, Heal, UMD, 7 points into bluff, 1 point into tumble

    Feats: Passive Past Life: Fighter x3
    Base: Maximize (1), Two Weapon Fighting (3), Empower Healing (6), Quicken (9), Improved Two Weapon Fighting (12), Improved Critical: Pierce (15), Stunning Blow (18), Inspire Excellence (21), Exotic Weapon Prof: Bastard Swords (24), Epic DR (27),
    Fighter: Greater Two-weapon fighting (16),
    Destiny: Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting (26), Tactician (28)

    Spellsinger (36): Spellsinger (1), Music of the Sewers (1), Music of the Dead (1), Music of the Makers (1), Virtuoso (1), Haunting Melody III (3), Musical Studies III (3), Lingering Songs III (3), Sharp Note III (3), Charlatan II (2), Spell Song Trance (2), Charisma II (4), Enthrallment (2), Song of Arcane Might (2), Sustaining Song (2), Song of Capering (2), Spell Song Vigor (2), Advanced Musical Studies I (1)

    Warchanter (26): Skaldic Rage (1), Fighting Spirit I (1), Rough and Ready III (3), Poetic Edda III (3), Action Boost: Sprint II (2), Strength II (4), Inspired Bravery III (3), Boast III (3), Ironskin Chant (3), Inspire Recklessness III (3)

    Fighter – Kensei (10): Kensei Focus: Light Blades (1), Extra Action Boost III (6), Haste Boost III (3),

    Cleric – Warpriest (4): Smite Foe (1), Divine Might III (3)

    Cleric – Radiant Servant (4): Healing Domain (1), Wand Mastery III (3)

    Core Stats:
    HP: 720 Standing / 846 Boosted (126 levels +80 epic +294/420 con +25 heroic +10 draconic +50 False Life +15 auto grants +100 Fury +10 Shroud +10 Warchanter)
    Double Strike: 15/23% (8%/15% Item + 5% Perfect TWF + 3% Draconic Ferocity +5 Inspire Recklessness)
    Stunning Blow DC: 71/74 (73/76 with shaken) – (10 base + 35/38 Str +5 exc combat mastery +10 stunning +2 feat +6 legendary tactics +3 Ftr PL / +2 injury [shaken])
    Fascinate DC: 82 (23 ranks + 8 epic +15 Cha +4 Exceptional +2 luck +4 morale +1 profane +1 ship +20 item +4 bard)
    Positive Spell Power: 229/454 (138 Devotion +24 implement +25 heal skill +6 RS +36 SS / +150 Maximize +75 Empower Heal)
    PRR: 32 (10 Epic Feat + 16 Augment +6 PRR)
    UMD: 62 -- (23 ranks +8 epic +15 Cha +4 exceptional +2 luck +4 morale +1 profane +1 ship +4 SS)

    Fort: 44/48 – (10 base +4 epic +16 con +4 morale +10 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 Ship/ +4 insightful -4 yugo)
    Ref: 51/55 – (11 base +4 epic +15 dex +4 morale +10 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 Ship +1 haste /+4 insightful)
    Will: 35/39 – (13 base +4 epic +4 wis +4 morale +10 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 Ship -4 Yugo /+4 Insightful)

    Epic Destiny – Fury of the Wild:
    Damage Reduction III (3), Primal Scream III (3), Injury (1), Acute Instincts III (3), Sense Weakness III (3), Strength III (6), Overwhelming Force III (3), Fury Eternal (2), Unbridled Fury (2)
    Twists: Fatesinger: Reign (3), Legendary Dreadnought: Legendary Tactics (1), Cocoon (1)

    Trinket: Planar Focus: Prowess +8 Con/ PLIS
    Head: Black dragon +3 insightful Con, (Green: Good Luck, Yellow: Spell points)
    Neck: Epic Shimmering (yellow: +2i Cha)
    Goggles: Deadly 10, Resistance 10
    Bracers: Skirmishers or Superior Parry of Greater Convo
    Body: Black Dragon (Blue: Fortification)
    Cloak: Ghost Waking
    Ring: Consuming Darkenss (Green: +16 PRR)
    Ring: Seal of Dun’Ro’Bar +7 con, Stunning 10
    Boots: Rad II (+150 sp,+10 hp, + 2 dex, +4 cha, +6 int)
    Gloves: EE Backstabbers (Yellow: Globe)
    Belt: Str 10, False Life 50
    Weapons: Celestia (boss beaters proc and your enthralled masses are coming for you) / Nightmare (Devotion slotted) / First Blood

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Public Service Announcement:

    Please be kind if you have a Bard in the party turn off IPS and watch the Cleaves...otherwise I am NOT responsible for when the hellish mob I just froze for you comes alive and kills you. If you can't kill an entire group in 3 seconds or less don't break the song. And yes, that applies to me too...hence the lack of cleave and why I don't use Celestias all the time.

    I've been playing her for quite a while now...thought I'd be nice and share the love. (Special thanks to Ash for helping me clean up and tweak this build)
    Last edited by MadCookieQueen; 10-08-2014 at 12:33 PM.

  2. #2
    2014 DDO Players Council
    Andoris's Avatar
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    Just need to find you that eSoS shard now so we can really see what you can do with all the Str.

  3. #3
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andoris View Post
    Just need to find you that eSoS shard now so we can really see what you can do with all the Str.
    On a drow? I'd stick with the Balizardes.

    Especially if you're intending your primary ED to be FoTW. TWFing recharges adrenalines twice as fast.
    Last edited by Teh_Troll; 01-30-2014 at 11:34 AM.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    On a drow? I'd stick with the Balizardes.

    Especially if you're intending your primary ED to be FoTW. TWFing recharges adrenalines twice as fast.

    I'm really certain is we went massive greatsword of doom, death, and destruction....she wouldn't be a Drow and probably a blitzer...which would make me not want to play her...seriously don't get me started on my annoyances with doing the blitz thing.

  5. #5
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    On a drow? I'd stick with the Balizardes.

    Especially if you're intending your primary ED to be FoTW. TWFing recharges adrenalines twice as fast.
    True -- but Bali's are even farther from moon blades than the SoS is (trying to somewhat stick with the flavor) and while a powerful weapon.. they are boring. Really wish nightmare didn't get nerfed as bad as it did -- still not a bad weapon, but the nerf hurt quite a bit.

  6. #6
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andoris View Post
    True -- but Bali's are even farther from moon blades than the SoS is (trying to somewhat stick with the flavor) and while a powerful weapon.. they are boring. Really wish nightmare didn't get nerfed as bad as it did -- still not a bad weapon, but the nerf hurt quite a bit.
    They still look great, but yeah that nerf has made them a lot less sexy. Make the case for a repeal of the nerf on the council.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery Wipey's Avatar
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    Cool build.
    Unlucky with dex Prowess or just a typo ?
    I would think 30 amp bracers non negotiable and you got DS on First Blood so Skirmish bracers not much use ?
    Devotion in Nightmare ?
    If yes, do you swap something to make up for the loss of devo or just live with it ?

    Nice stun, even though Adrenalines with good Double strike and twf recharges super fast, another cc doesn't hurt.

    Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Encair View Post
    Cool build.
    Thanks and she's fun as all heck.

    Quote Originally Posted by Encair View Post
    Unlucky with dex Prowess or just a typo ?
    No...I need a con item in there...and I had easy peasy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Encair View Post
    I would think 30 amp bracers non negotiable and you got DS on First Blood so Skirmish bracers not much use ?
    I run with the superior perry bracers...the skirmishers was originally in there for the double strike...but the +15% double strike on the first blood is pretty hefty to play with.

    Quote Originally Posted by Encair View Post
    Devotion in Nightmare ?
    If yes, do you swap something to make up for the loss of devo or just live with it ?
    I KNEW I forgot to do something! Devotion should be in there...will update the build.

    Quote Originally Posted by Encair View Post
    Nice stun, even though Adrenalines with good Double strike and twf recharges super fast, another cc doesn't hurt.
    I use Stunning and Song of Capering to clean up stragglers and shut down archers...since they usually annoy me the most. Also Shadovar's in EE WGU look awesome dancing ^^

    Yeah the CC options are very VERY nice and extremely's part of the overall Bard charm.

  9. #9


    Let's talk gear. I recieved a couple questions on this and thought it was better to be public with more of the answers.So we can discuss things a bit and you can see the why's and how's and all that. Also for any new player it might give you a bit more information.

    Trinket: Planar Focus: Prowess +8 Con / PLIS
    Why Prowess? "Set Bonus: +4 to attack and damage, +15 Physical Resistance Rating (all artifact bonus)" It goes with Nightmare and Celestia.

    The Con +8 is to bring it more in alignment with having an even Con stat....see stat when fully pumped up. Yes, you could go with a different Prowess trinket here...but the goal is to have the Prowess set bonus.

    PLIS: Pale Lavendar Ioun Stone (for those not familiar with it)

    Head: Black dragon +3 insightful Con, (Green: Good Luck, Yellow: Spell points)
    Draconic Ferocity: +3% artifact bonus to melee Doublestrike stacks and more doublestrike is awesome.
    the +3 insightful Con...because...even stat is the goal.

    Ideally go EE for the helm only because the upgraded slots give you more options.

    Neck: Epic Shimmering (yellow: +2i Cha)
    +20 perform and yellow slot.. need my perform jacked and the yellow slot gives me insightful's not about the +7 Charisma (it was at level 20 but not end game). So why not Ring of Deceit...when you look at my rings you'll understand why.

    Goggles: Deadly 10, Resistance 10
    I think it speaks for itself...nothing more see here...

    Bracers: Skirmishers or Superior Parry of Greater Convo
    If you do not have a First Blood you'll want the Skirmishers for the doublestrike. The Superior Parry of Greater Convo is the better item and it's what I use all the time.

    The problem is that you can't get Superior of Parry of Convo anymore. So the Skirmishers is a nice fall back item for those that don't' have the SPoC or a First Blood for doublestrike or are VERY concerned about needing Dex.

    Body: Black Dragon (Blue: Fortification)
    Draconic Ferocity (see helm), Haste Guard, Armor-Piercing - 15%, Relentless Fury and Superior Acid Resistance (okay maybe not that so much) and the Blue slot for...Heavy Fort

    Cloak: Ghost Waking
    It's not here for the resistance (I have more in my goggles) has +8 Cha...also GHOSTLY and DR...I'd prefer not to get hit as often

    Ring: Consuming Darkenss (Green: +16 PRR)
    Seeker XII, Combat Mastery +5, Green slot for PRR...hey a girl has got to have PRR somewhere in there right?

    Ring: Seal of Dun’Ro’Bar +7 con, Stunning 10
    Ignore the +7 fact get whatever you want for a stat...Stunning +10 and 8% Dodge are a necessity...especially the Stunning +10. I just happened to have a Con version of the ring.

    Boots: Rad II (+150 sp,+10 hp, + 2 dex, +4 cha, +6 int)
    Spell Points (I do actually like my blue know healing and emergency D-Door) and a bit of HP...the kick tail part of this is the Radiance Guard...hello blinded NPC morons who now I shall inflict more damage on as you miss me.

    Why not Treads?...don't need the Dex and I have ghostly in my cloak..and I have a quiver (striding). But...if the cloak, quiver or the GS isn't your thing and the lack of Dex is eating your brain away then by all means, they are a nice pair of boots.

    Why not Goatskins? I have Haste...they don't' stack...without that Goatskins aren't as nifty for this build.

    Also I have Cannith (for the clickie) and Anchoring...for those rare ToD runs.

    Gloves: EE Backstabbers (Yellow: Globe)
    Improved Deception... a pile of Sneak Attack....the yellow slot was screaming for a Globe of Imperial True Blood

    Belt: Str 10, False Life 50
    I'm a strength build and I like hit's a win-win here.

    Weapons: Celestia (boss beaters proc and your enthralled masses are coming for you) / Nightmare (Devotion slotted) / First Blood
    Without weapons I'm not killing much...I know odd isn't it?

    So that is the gear selection....hope it helps answer questions.
    Last edited by MadCookieQueen; 01-30-2014 at 04:05 PM. Reason: reducing the sarcasm to meaningful explainations

  10. #10
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    I am kind of partial to the 12% damage for grim fate for fatesinger if we ever do fight a raid boss again someday, but I hear yeah fury of wild likely way to go. You prefer full base attack bonus from victory song vs. a deeper splash? I have a 16 bard 3 ranger 1 cleric who dual wields a balazarde and Rebellion or two balizards depending. What can you get your stun blow up to? I have not played my bards much the last few months because not real inspired by them but what have you.
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by maddmatt70 View Post
    I am kind of partial to the 12% damage for grim fate for fatesinger if we ever do fight a raid boss again someday, but I hear yeah fury of wild likely way to go. You prefer full base attack bonus from victory song vs. a deeper splash? I have a 16 bard 3 ranger 1 cleric who dual wields a balazarde and Rebellion or two balizards depending. What can you get your stun blow up to? I have not played my bards much the last few months because not real inspired by them but what have you.

    You get more damage boosting from Fury than 12% (overall...there's math to back me up...somewhere...but I think I lost my wallet)..also for the most part if you want to do a full kick-in-the-junk melee bard..fatesinger (IMHO) doesn't make a lot of sense.

    The "full BAB" bonus from victory song is really at best a +5. Also note the ability toggle is bugged. So I wouldn't rely on it to save my life. Also by endcap you're pretty close if not fully there to max's kind of a meh for me.

    Stunning Blow DC: 71/74 (73/76 with shaken) – (10 base + 35/38 Str +5 exc combat mastery +10 stunning +2 feat +6 legendary tactics +3 Ftr PL / +2 injury [shaken])

  12. #12
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddmatt70 View Post
    I am kind of partial to the 12% damage for grim fate for fatesinger if we ever do fight a raid boss again someday, but I hear yeah fury of wild likely way to go. You prefer full base attack bonus from victory song vs. a deeper splash? I have a 16 bard 3 ranger 1 cleric who dual wields a balazarde and Rebellion or two balizards depending. What can you get your stun blow up to? I have not played my bards much the last few months because not real inspired by them but what have you.
    The interesting thing about Fatesinger is you can debuff so much more than just 12% damage. That same buff is also 12% magical damage and -12 SR. Combined with the passive Harmonic Resonance and a pair of Frostbite blades, you're looking at self-debuffing an enemy to 32% extra damage, and 62% sonic vulnerability. Nice for the melee damage, but unfortunately Bards don't have fantastic sonic damage options. If only the capstone for SS was a massive sonic DD instead of Wail, or more Cacophony named weapons were available.

    Anyways, back on topic, I like the concept. I was always a fan of Eilistraee in the Realms as well. Fits very well with the concept of Bard as well, as she favoured song and dance by moonlight.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    Anyways, back on topic, I like the concept. I was always a fan of Eilistraee in the Realms as well. Fits very well with the concept of Bard as well, as she favoured song and dance by moonlight.
    Thanks! As I said she's a lot of fun to play and if you run around with the glowly lich eyes cosmetic she looks even more awesome ^^

    If you're a Realms fan...I'm working on a Solonor Thelandira Avatar ^^

  14. #14
    Community Member flaggson's Avatar
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    Default Question

    Really dig the build, looks really solid. However, I have a question. No power attack.... is this something we don't really consider a necessity anymore? Once upon a time almost every character had it but maybe I'm living in the past. Thoughts?
    Infynity, Flaggson, Grazzit, Liryc
    Yep, I think I facepalmed my nose off.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by flaggson View Post
    Really dig the build, looks really solid. However, I have a question. No power attack.... is this something we don't really consider a necessity anymore? Once upon a time almost every character had it but maybe I'm living in the past. Thoughts?

    Couple reasons:

    1. the build is pretty feat tight...least for how I play and to go with the no standing room ^^.
    2. With the way Fascinate and Enthrall works the Cleave chain would have been counterproductive and if I'm not going cleave then there isn't a point really.
    3. Her to hit is a little lighter than a traditional DPS mad machine so having every little to hit actually matters.

    That all being said...let's say I had an open feat...I would have taken Precision over PA. The bonus to hit is good but the reduction to the enemy Fort is some sweet loving.

    Hope that helps.

  16. #16
    Community Member flaggson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadCookieQueen View Post
    Couple reasons:

    1. the build is pretty feat tight...least for how I play and to go with the no standing room ^^.
    2. With the way Fascinate and Enthrall works the Cleave chain would have been counterproductive and if I'm not going cleave then there isn't a point really.
    3. Her to hit is a little lighter than a traditional DPS mad machine so having every little to hit actually matters.

    That all being said...let's say I had an open feat...I would have taken Precision over PA. The bonus to hit is good but the reduction to the enemy Fort is some sweet loving.

    Hope that helps.
    Sure does, thank you.
    Infynity, Flaggson, Grazzit, Liryc
    Yep, I think I facepalmed my nose off.

  17. #17
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flaggson View Post
    Sure does, thank you.
    Yeah, you could easily adapt the original build to throw in PA or Precision if inclined. If you're not going the route of Stunning Blow (i.e. OPs past lives help immensely in this regard), that would be a perfect replacement. Alternatively, you could probably also do away with Maximize (since Emp Heal + Cocoon is usually enough healing) and throw in, say, Force of Personality to shore up the will saves. But it's up to you.

  18. #18
    Community Member flaggson's Avatar
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    Default Logical

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    Yeah, you could easily adapt the original build to throw in PA or Precision if inclined. If you're not going the route of Stunning Blow (i.e. OPs past lives help immensely in this regard), that would be a perfect replacement. Alternatively, you could probably also do away with Maximize (since Emp Heal + Cocoon is usually enough healing) and throw in, say, Force of Personality to shore up the will saves. But it's up to you.
    That was pretty much where my thought process went.
    Infynity, Flaggson, Grazzit, Liryc
    Yep, I think I facepalmed my nose off.

  19. #19
    Community Member fool101's Avatar
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    I really like this build. It gave me the inspiration for a similar one with rogue (for traps in a static group) instead of fighter.

    I am looking for some clarification on general game mechanics though. I was discussing the build with a guildmate when I was informed that by taking a cleric level, I would actually be making it almost impossible to use a heal scroll. This is due to having to make a caster level check (10 + spell level, with a cleric level) vs a UMD check (without cleric levels). I checked the wiki but couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. So basically, is the described scenario correct or are you able to use heal scrolls with UMD, or is there something else I'm missing?

    Thanks in advance
    -Anything is possible....if you don't understand the problem.
    -Better to be perceived a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.
    -Luck is simply a crossroads between circumstance and knowledge, both are things you can control.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by fool101 View Post
    I really like this build. It gave me the inspiration for a similar one with rogue (for traps in a static group) instead of fighter.

    I am looking for some clarification on general game mechanics though. I was discussing the build with a guildmate when I was informed that by taking a cleric level, I would actually be making it almost impossible to use a heal scroll. This is due to having to make a caster level check (10 + spell level, with a cleric level) vs a UMD check (without cleric levels). I checked the wiki but couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. So basically, is the described scenario correct or are you able to use heal scrolls with UMD, or is there something else I'm missing?

    Thanks in advance
    I've not had any issues with using a Heal scroll based on my UMD. UMD option overrides the class/race/alignment/etc. restrictions on items/wands/scrolls/etc.

    Hope that helps and good luck!

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