Looking for an archmage enchanter build. I asked this in another thread that I didn't start but didn't get many responses so I thought I'd make a new thread.
I'd like the character to be a CC Enchantment Wizard and I'm going Human for flavor. I'd like to have some fun holding/dancing/charming everything. Would need to be able to no fail (or close to no fail) heal scrolls. Also, this will be a first life character (32 point build).
Any tips and suggestions are appreciated as I don't know that much about building arcanes.
As far as feats I know I'll be taking SF - enchant, GSF - enchant, Heighten, Quicken, Spell Pen, Greater Spell Pen but I am not sure what to take beyond that. Will be running the character on Heroic Elites. And on epics likely will be running mostly Epic Hard but I would like the character to be able to CC Epic Elite eventually after some gearing if it will be possible for him to get a decent success rate on enchantment spells.