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  1. #1
    Founder Alavatar's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Old promises by Turbine


    Since the Turbine crew actually reads this section more than the Official Discussion section I thought I would make a post reminding Turbine of some of the things they initiated discussion on, but have not been resolved. Namely:

    Lets Talke: Game Difficulty
    * Specifically, the discussion on melee's in EE, the usefulness of AC and caster DCs in EE, and how changes have been encouraging current play styles

    Collector NPCs and their trade in values
    * This topic is over a year old, but trade in values are still borked. Fix it! Or let us know your opinion on the status of things.

    XP Changes
    * I recommend addressing the community feedback on the Von3 nerf (i.e. reaffirm your position on the nerf and why, or talk about a compromise, or something)

    Commendations of Valor
    * Address Commendations of Valor! Specifically, the amount needed for Epic/Iconic Hearts of Wood. This has been a point of consternation since they were implemented.

    Loot! Both Named and Random
    * We have very little visibility about what the plan is going forward about loot and the community is begging for improvements! Please, let us know what you are doing.

    * You talked about re-adjusting the XP for challenges, but it has not been completed to the community's satisfaction.
    * Acquisition of non-epic ingredients is nearly impossible for epic level folks
    * Any chance of getting L24 and L28 versions of the Cannith Challenge loot?

    Epic Destinies
    * Running in off destinies is not *fun*. A Monk running in Exalted Angel does not add enjoyment; it is done, however, for the Fate Points and ITR. Are you doing anything to alleviate that burden?

    These are just examples. Please consider being more engaged in the "Official Discussion" threads or make it apparent when Turbine considers the "Official Discussion" to be internally closed so we don't end up feeling like we're left hanging.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Founder Alavatar's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Alavatar View Post

    Since the Turbine crew actually reads this section more than the Official Discussion section I thought I would make a post reminding Turbine of some of the things they initiated discussion on, but have not been resolved. Namely:

    Lets Talke: Game Difficulty
    * Specifically, the discussion on melee's in EE, the usefulness of AC and caster DCs in EE, and how changes have been encouraging current play styles

    Collector NPCs and their trade in values
    * This topic is over a year old, but trade in values are still borked. Fix it! Or let us know your opinion on the status of things.

    XP Changes
    * I recommend addressing the community feedback on the Von3 nerf (i.e. reaffirm your position on the nerf and why, or talk about a compromise, or something)

    Commendations of Valor
    * Address Commendations of Valor! Specifically, the amount needed for Epic/Iconic Hearts of Wood. This has been a point of consternation since they were implemented.

    Loot! Both Named and Random
    * We have very little visibility about what the plan is going forward about loot and the community is begging for improvements! Please, let us know what you are doing.

    * You talked about re-adjusting the XP for challenges, but it has not been completed to the community's satisfaction.
    * Acquisition of non-epic ingredients is nearly impossible for epic level folks
    * Any chance of getting L24 and L28 versions of the Cannith Challenge loot?

    Epic Destinies
    * Running in off destinies is not *fun*. A Monk running in Exalted Angel does not add enjoyment; it is done, however, for the Fate Points and ITR. Are you doing anything to alleviate that burden?

    These are just examples. Please consider being more engaged in the "Official Discussion" threads or make it apparent when Turbine considers the "Official Discussion" to be internally closed so we don't end up feeling like we're left hanging.

    Thank you.
    Alright, Turbine has at least put some info out there regarding CoV and Named Loot.

    What about the rest?

  3. #3
    Community Member Ivan_Milic's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Isnt von3 nerf compromised by buffing 10 or so other quests?

  4. #4
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    I like a summary thread. Especially since these forums search is just soo terrible.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    You could add:

    2011 is the year of the bug fix.

    No wait, 2012 is the year of the bug fix.

    No wait, 2013 is the year of the bug fix.

    Im guessing they wont be bothering to even pretend in 2014.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009

    Default The guy who was fixing random loot isn't with us anymore !!

    And the only other known guy who handles loot now is DrOcto , which as you can see on the forums he's kinda busy , And if i remember he juggles between loot and another position so idk if the changes to random gen are coming , Well at least anytime soon

  7. #7
    Founder Dorian's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Alavatar View Post
    Epic Destinies
    * Running in off destinies is not *fun*. A Monk running in Exalted Angel does not add enjoyment; it is done, however, for the Fate Points and ITR. Are you doing anything to alleviate that burden?
    This is the big issue for me. Trying to play a DC caster while leveling up melee destiny is not fun.

  8. #8
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    You know, those promises are not old... yet.

    Consider that we were promised the Druid Class since release... Now look at when we got it.

    There's older promises lost in the limboes that have still to see the light.
    On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...

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