Yesterday, another player came up to me in-game and inquired why I was not in a guild. I responded that I was too slow to group. They then asked if that meant I was levelling too slow!?
My response to the latter question was that I was levelling waaye too fast at more than a level per month and I prefer to increase level no more than 6 times per year of regular play. [Didn't see the response because the data loss rate had gotten so high I could not move and had to disconnect.]
Half a level per month is a good rate of increase because I can get some use out of my hard-won gear. In DDO my Giant's Roar bow was obsolete before it was even broken-in properly. That is sad because I really liked that bow. [In the original AD&D Gold Box games I managed 30-some levels over about six years of regular play and that levelling rate was just about right.]
My objective is to adventure and explore the world of DDO. The levelling requirement is an obstacle to that goal. Since reaching level 8 the majority of my time has been spent questing for new gear to replace obsolete items and not exploring. Where's the fun in that?
So, what is so good about levelling?