Lovers, the channel now has a Teamspeak server...thanks to the generosity and time donation of Templars. Details:
server address:
server password: same as FoM channel (this will change with channel reform, scheduled for July)
admins: Templars; Maarl
Download and learn the software. It's relatively intuitive and straight-forward. If you hit a wall, there are lots of people to help, but don't be lazy. Try to learn the functions and features yourself before you ask.
Anyone in channel is welcome. The point of this is to help people get to know one another better since FoM basically merges people from various different circles. Don't be shy and definitely get your butt in there if you're known to have poor audio quality in DDO party chat. No one enjoys trying to decipher poor quality audio mumbling and the audio quality in Teamspeak is VASTLY superior. It'll help.
Also, channel raids will be organized/run in TS. We got a whack of new raids coming and we're definitely going to favor people with better communication-ability when we form.
Lastly, (needs to be said), moderate yourself in there. Keep it civil and bromantic. Pls don't drown people out with endless inane babble or your own personal emo rant. You'll get bounced and the channel will leave ya behind. In other words, respect the vibe.
Thanks for all your work Temp and enjoy folks!