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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    Nov 2008


    Honestly friendly fire should just be made the way it works, and then with that added need for players to be tactical with aoe effects I have little doubt rebalancing especially high end content currently loaded with bloated HP punching bags could be done.

    Not only that but it could finally end loot drama as if people really want to argue over something they can duel for it then and there with the party to watch on.

    Sure it will put sword swingers under the service of the casters, which would be great for RP atmoshpere as far as that aspect goes. Self made gawds should be able to rule over and be masters of the warriors.

  2. #22
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Well, they already have the Brawling Arena's for people who want to get a group together, and just test their skill, or kill at will and have some fun.

    As such, If they wanted to do this, they would be better served to simply add more maps to the existing PvP Arena they have.

    However, not to say your idea is bad, but I would wager that the existing PvP settings they have get used so infrequently that investing time into making this happen would amount to yet another dead ended game feature.

    Or players would find some way to abuse the mechanic, and get insane exp, like dual boxing, and just slaughtering some F2P alt account they made (or 5 of them) for a +50% exp and extra loot chest. Even for people who may use it legitimately The Novelty among friends may hold for a little while, or it may remain an easy way to Power level a friend, "Sure come on, kill me a bit and get +50% exp"

    But, I would wager that which would lead to it getting nerfed, and it would go back to no one using it again. The Current Arena provides group battles, alternate starting area's, and the freedom to PvP without the feeling of losing loot and exp if you don't do well.

  3. #23
    Community Member fmalfeas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vanquishedfo View Post
    Honestly friendly fire should just be made the way it works, and then with that added need for players to be tactical with aoe effects I have little doubt rebalancing especially high end content currently loaded with bloated HP punching bags could be done.

    Not only that but it could finally end loot drama as if people really want to argue over something they can duel for it then and there with the party to watch on.

    Sure it will put sword swingers under the service of the casters, which would be great for RP atmoshpere as far as that aspect goes. Self made gawds should be able to rule over and be masters of the warriors.
    The problem with that being on is that while in tabletop, you can toss that fireball 100' to nuke your enemies from afar, in DDO, often you're much, much closer than that. It would become extremely difficult to use most AoE spells at all in the majority of cases, without killing yourself. And while that is a truism in tabletop (it's not really that wise to chuck a fireball in the pantry room of the crumbling ruins, no matter how many enraged orcs are crammed in there) DDO often has far higher numbers of mobs than tabletop, with far higher HP and saves. So a lot of the more surgical spells won't be SP effecient enough, and you'll run out of steam with surprising speed.

  4. #24
    Community Member biggin's Avatar
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    Now what would seem like fun to me is a 3 vs. 3 (or any combo thereof) mechanic where you would in effect become mobs. You could take 3 players and make them red names and put them in a quest and mobs would see them as mobs. Then 3-5 players would battle through the quest and would have to kill the normal boss plus the other team. No extra loot, no XP bonus, just like PvP is now with and added bonus of an in quest mechanic.

    I know Legion has put on PvP tournaments in the past where the winners would receive 25 of each large ingredient when they were still fairly relevant. You could have player sponsored tournaments where quest completion would net some players some gear or collectibles. It could be fun, challenging, and I see no way to exploit it since one side would have to kill the other to complete with no bonus of any kind.
    There is no lag. Just because you had none before and can't play now doesn't mean the server move had anything to do with it.

  5. #25
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    Default pvp in ddo already exist

    what if there is ALREADY pvp in ddo?

    yes, you gonna tell me about Taverns but....i think you missed the team vs team feature.

    Create a party up to 6 members, yes even public area works.
    Meet anotherparty (or just one member in another party!), select him and choose "Challenge Party"

    Both team will get a window to agree on terms (there is even a capture the flag) once everyone agreed, the fight start in a closed area.

    there, now everyone is happy, there is pvp and dev won't have to work on it

  6. #26
    Community Member Wanesa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow2024 View Post
    what if there is ALREADY pvp in ddo?

    yes, you gonna tell me about Taverns but....i think you missed the team vs team feature.
    I know about it. But there is still missing one thing. Motivation. Why to do this? In my suggestion, you can still get chests and XPs like in ordinary quest. It is only about allowing friendly fire and counting kills (challenge party doesn't count kills and has no reward)

    It is not only for PvP only. Parties playing true RPG might appreciate slightly more realism in the game. Zergers can also appreciate such mode - zerg groups are parties with up to six soloists - this mode can add some element of challenge and fun while they are racing for first chest or the fastest quest completion.

    Thelanis: Shewind the Airbender (Sorc20/Epic5 -> Bard20/Epic8 -> Rog20/Epic8/Epic2 -> Harper_FvS20/Epic4 -> Art20/Epic8/Epic8 -> Rng20/Epic10 -> Drd6),
    Azaxe (Rog18/Wiz2 -> Sorc20/Epic8/Epic10->Sorc(EK)17)

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by biggin View Post
    Now what would seem like fun to me is a 3 vs. 3 (or any combo thereof) mechanic where you would in effect become mobs. You could take 3 players and make them red names and put them in a quest and mobs would see them as mobs. Then 3-5 players would battle through the quest and would have to kill the normal boss plus the other team. No extra loot, no XP bonus, just like PvP is now with and added bonus of an in quest mechanic.

    I know Legion has put on PvP tournaments in the past where the winners would receive 25 of each large ingredient when they were still fairly relevant. You could have player sponsored tournaments where quest completion would net some players some gear or collectibles. It could be fun, challenging, and I see no way to exploit it since one side would have to kill the other to complete with no bonus of any kind.
    Yes! this is similar to my suggestion above--somehow create it so that players become one of the red names. Unfortunately it could get abused but maybe it could be prevented.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

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