So my friend and I have been running our Master of Saves and Mistress of Storms duo for a while now and whilst my Monk has no issues with traps the Sorc was getting obliterated and I couldn't find any way to fit Trap skills into the Master of Saves nor did I want to waste a massive amount of T-Points constantly purchasing rogue hirelings. So I wanted to create a similar character as the Master but fit in trap skills.
I'm actually quite happy with the results the only real complaints are that I lose stunning fist and Defender stance is delayed until Lvl 10 instead of lvl 9 but its minor...this build also has alot more DPS (it can switch between tank&dps using different monk stances and CE or Precision) so holding aggro will be a bit easier especially since any time I lose aggro the SA kicks in. Also I like the q-staff attack animation much better than the punching so that's nice.
Anyway I'd love to hear your thoughts on my "Holy Shadow"
Note: I might change what Class I take at 19-20 simply to get a different past life"Holy Shadow" Halfling Rogue8/Monk6/Paladin6
Dex 18 (Lvl ups here)
Con 16
Int 14
Cha 14
Level Order: Rogue 1, Monk2-4, Paladin5-10, Rogue 11- 14, Monk 15 - 17, Rogue 18-20
Skills: Search,Disable Device, Concen, UMD, Spot, OL
1 FoP
2M Combat Expertise
3 DM of Healing
3M Precision
4M Light Path
6 SF: Concen
9 Empowered Healing
12 IC: Blunt
15 SF: UMD
17M Toughness
18 Master of Forms
ED Unyielding Sentinel
21 Grandmaster of Forms
24 Bulwark of Defense or Improved Feint
26 Epic Mage Armor
27 Epic Reflexes
28 Holy Strike