Proud officer of Zuleicos (Thelanis) - Mikaelus (Melee) ; Akhnaroth (Caster) ; Kraneo (Healbot) ; Leonardu (Melee) ; Tormentazul (Melee)Originally Posted by Hoglum
And I do play the game but sorry if i'm not uber like you are and can't kill those orc on EE. You are amazing DDO player everyone knows here. Good for you.
One day you'll grow up. No more answer for someone who don't deserve my time.
Say whatever you want next post, i'll never read that again.
Ps If they nerf Qp i don't care at all, it's pure garbage, how many time I have to repaeat that, lol
While on its face "You can't kill faster than an instakill" seems like it has to be true, the reality is you can kill faster than instakill with a 6 second cooldown. The only way I can think of that your statement make sense is that you're using the QP/Cleave bug.
How much of the Pro QP Nerf stance is due to QP/Cleavers? Maybe the best "nerf" for QP is nothing more than fixing that bug.
I ran Study in Sable last night..... rats and spiders were saving on QP right and left. The ability was pretty sad with a 67 DC. I would have been better off Blitzing. I would have been Much better of ditching the handwraps so I could use the extra cleaves and whatnot that LD offers.
I'm starting to think that even this mini nerf (if -10 or more DC can be called mini) will be the end of handwraps as a good build. Monks will join the paladin club. Great splash, but not really a good class. The anti-handwrapness of LD & FotW is just too stifling.
M9 + a feat for Master stance is all monk will be useful for now. The rest is just flavor builds. Sure, great pilots can make a flavor build look solid. But that's really the fault of the pilot.
Dunno... maybe I'll recover from my funk. Or maybe my monk gets semi shelved once this goes through except when the guild needs a Stormy tank....
Cannith Server :Vice Sovereign of The Guild of Calamitous Intent
Kalener (Monk) Renelak (backup band) Raoull (Mr. McStabby) Kaleray (laser heals) Kalrah (xbow rogue)
Ya a instakill is obviously faster than beating something down, but after u quivering palm you have 6 seconds till you can do it again and in that 6 seconds you kill 1 guy while someone in blitz can kill quite a few and not just going by 1 mob at a time. In most quests your fighting 10 guys + at once and a cleave/great cleaving blitzer will kill all those mobs in between your 6 second cooldown.
Quivering palm is no doubt overpowered, having a 6 seconds cool down dc 78-82 dc is stupid. However monks overall are underpowered. That is why I don't like the change because they are taking an underpowered class and nerfing it more. I'm fine with a qp dc nerf because it is OP, but it kinda sucks just because monks overall will become worse trash beaters and they are getting no upside.
Last edited by moo_cow; 02-01-2014 at 01:23 PM.
Icywave - Orien Server - On life 88 - First Ultimate Completionist - 3x all past life feats- Guild: Intel Rq'd
Build & Gear:
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
if you want to do comparisons of builds than there needs to be a better comparison than QP monk in GMOF vs blitzing melee. whats the gear layout, any past lives?, what enhancements taken, feats, what mobs are they fighting, whats the player skill, and on and on. so many things to take into account, but a player that knows how to play a 15+ level monk and build one can prove that they are not at all underpowered.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
I have a pretty good monk IMO
- good gear
- monk/fighter past lives (double strike is a huge one but haven't got around to it)
- vorpal strikes, twf line, power attack, overwhelming critical, IMA, ptwf, tactics, monk past life. All the dps feats acquired.
Fact is they don't have the best red named dps, and their trash dps is beaten by casters, ranged, and melee's who blitz. The thing is people keep saying monks are op, well they aren't qp is op but not monks. They have trash beating damage and that's it, og nerf them even though kensai's with blitz dominate their trash beating ability.
This is spot on. Unarmed monks are not remotely overpowered. Centered kensai and AAs are another matter entirely.
This is a consequence of horrible crit profile and non-functional dps destiny abilities, and to a lesser degree mediocre enhancements. Attack speed doesn't come close to making up the difference.
This guy again? merde...
Why wouldnt you compare yourself to a blitzing build as melee-- that is what im doing when I make a build.
Before u start pulling your a sh.t player argument again, please consider which guild holds the EE fot record of 8:20 (and probably EE citw record).
(sometimes you just have to pull that card on people)
pure or mostly pure monks are not OP, but they are still very good. I think they are balanced more or less fine. its the monk levels mixed with other classes that make those kinds of builds OP. actually, its not the levels per se, its whats available and granted to the monks in the beginning levels. for example, the stances available as feats regardless of monk levels. or the change with 10k Stars to boost monk ranged dps back when they were falling behind in dps with other classes and how bugged out handwraps and other stuff was. I still say a monk that builds around 1 ability is a weak build. trash mobs are whatever, but red names is more important if you care about the end chest, end reward, xp or completion. kinda sounds like the days of casters that could solo farm old epics but couldn't get completions because they couldn't handle the end boss.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter