New Mabar with new dragon! New weapons! New airships! Pirate ships dropping from the sky!
Excited! :-)
Enjoyed listening to the interview. What I really liked was the reference by Rowan to the team's focus this year - for the end game experience to be like it used to be when it was lvl 18-20 so players will be happy to hang around and enjoy lvl 28-30.
I've not been playing the epic levels much since the enhancement pass, but if the end game becomes solid by the end of this year then I'll head that way again![]()
Nice podcast, much appreciated.
Looking forward to the Sentient weapons as well!
Now I'm looking forward to the Ed Greenwood commentary --unedited- being released.
The haunted halls concepts to be able to support those who are time constrained--quick lunch run--to those who want to explore the whole area sounds interesting--as well as the extreme challenge monsters. I like the mention of sentient weapons; just wish they could have provided more input with the mention.
The airship mods are a long time coming...waiting to see what the final version of those will bring.
Leader Apocalyptic Knights Khyber
Alts Dustia, Fierry, Divus, Serpins, Cognatio, Atrau, Leigharoy, Pinkish, Triturate (Ret.) Harragan, Cynderr, Ginnsu, Cyndder, Calagian, Gorthagus, Bluntaxe, Zarloc, Docbot
I am most excited about Hireling updates and the work on guildships.
I'm very excited that there are some nice things coming for those of us who aren't epic, into TRing or the whole ED thing. Any love for Bards is welcome to me, especially if it also comes with some fixes to their existing enhancements.
Main: 18 Artificer, Thelanis
1. One Click Guildship buffs.
2. More love for Bards.
3. Intelligent Weapons.
Still would have liked to hear more about DEDICATED EFFORT on fixing the known issues list... Will it ever happen?
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Either way it's more space which = AWESOMESAUCE!
What am I looking forward besides the above... well lets see...
The airship stuff is frankly huge and long overdue however, please please please change the actual airships from being bought with Astral Shards they are silly expensive and for small guilds who do level up far enough to use them will have to spend a small fortune to be able to get the shards needed so please change this to a Platinum price. With that said I would be OK with "certain" amenities being paid for with Astral Shards but only one or two really impressive ones or something like that. Overall though very happy about this and even more happy about the "gimme all buffs" option that is being looked at.
The new content and the new dungeon layout specific to this "module" I find intriguing and looking forward to seeing it up close and personal
One thing I didn't like which is something Producer Rowan said was about introducing new systems now I think this is linked (possibly?) to the Sentient Weapons thing but please please please stop adding new systems when sooo many current systems are severely outdated/never used/broken/whatever else you can think of.
No new expansion is also very good in my book
So umm yeah overall quiet interested to see how things pan out over the coming year with DDO so watch this space I guess.
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I consider that a happy mistake - I am much more excited to hear that it's inventory space rather than bank space. Bank space is great, don't get me wrong, but my backpack constantly runneth over.
Great to hear about the Swashbuckler, too! I know some D&D purists might start in on "But that's a fighter thing" or "that's supposed to be its own class!" But I think the flavor is a lot better suited for bards, and as others have mentioned, bards need so much more love!
Also looking forward to the airship mods. I'm assuming they'll be from the DDO store, so I'm also assuming that people will make inevitable furious "money grab!" posts, but this seems like the sort of thing the store should be for - cosmetics and convenience.
THIS is all that needs to happen in DDO during 2014.
~Thus we are met, in a time that is no longer a time, at a place that is no longer a place, for we are between the worlds and beyond.~
Most excited to hear about
1. Centralized buff point for guild buffs.
2. Sentient weapons.
3. More ways to get comms.
4. Update to hirelings.
Iv said before VIPs could get a bonus -10/20% off all items in DDO store.
VIP events like the epic heart was a great idea, keep more of that coming.
Sad that cannith crafting will not be updated and also no more add ons for Monster Manual.
Anauroch which was mentioned twice looks to be an expansion on the Netherese Empire story line. I'm guessing its going to be a huge desert explorer zone.
You can read more about it at:
I think the revamp of three barrel cove is going to be a lot of fun if they do the airship invasion that they briefly touched on. That and fleshing out epic content with more quests, raids, destinies, and enhancements trees should be a good year for ddo, now with more player input.
I was most excited to hear about the changes to guild buffs, extra storage space, and sentient weapons!
This. His commitment to end game sounds strong. That is huge boost for me.
And I for one am actually excited about xp changes.
Wasn't too keen on the 3dc epic in as making old content epic really isn't my thing but sounds like they are getting creative with this. Remember give out good xp and loot and we will come in hordes.
Would like to see cannith crafting finished as well but oh well maybe at a later date.
All and all sounds great guys keep up the good work.
Gotta say, I LOVE all the communication and hope for even more transparency!! I'm looking forward to the new end game, Swashbuckler, Anauroch....Basically everything! I've been playing since beta, and DDO never fails to keep me playing