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See this is where the dilemma is - the current metas are so powerful that they can solo EE content with little difficulty. It's not a factor of "nerf that which makes my toon look gimpy", but taking putting what trivializes content in check. Now if things were on the level where you're effective but not tear-through-solo-on-your-construct, then it should be the goal of bringing other things to that point. There are plenty of things that need buffing - assassinate DC items, unarmed DPS (like making Monk Past Life and Improved Martial Arts do a die size instead of a die step), S&B, Paladins, etc. But how far do you buff them? If it's not to the level of the current massive disparity, it's still a case of "that which makes my toon look gimpy"... but if they go that high, it'll be EE like EN. So on top of my suggested power shaves, here are four boosts:
- Paladins: Give them 3 class feats where they can pick from martial or their diety, granted at 3, 12 and 20. Have "Smite Evil" work on any non-good target... though this touches into the option of a new Prestige for Paladins: Fallen Paladin. Cores that turn your Aura into an Aura of Evil (likely capstone) that lowers all enemies saves instead of raising allies (same amount). Aura of Courage that turns into an Aura of Fear lowering saves against Fear (and enchantment if coupled Chalice Courage of Heaven). Some fear inducing attacks in the tree. Allow "Smite Evil" to work on any target. A Fallen Paladin would still be Lawful Good, they just have a twisted view of the world, and would be a fun thing to add to the game to give Paladins extra utility and power.
- Unarmed Attack: Make wraps count as a melee weapon for the purpose of enhancements and EDs. Change the Monk past life from a pitiful .5 die step back to the original die size increase. Improved Martial Arts the same (so a Monk could potentially have 2d6 unarmed with 1d6 base, 1d8 enhancement from Shintao, 1d10 past life, 2d6 Improved) though leave the centered weapon bonus at .5. The poor base crit profile of 20/x2 will keep the damage in check while helping pull it out of the gutter.
- Assassinate DC items: There needs to be new assassinate weapons/items that reach +5, and should keep up with the spell DC item bonus increases. Also melee items that can utilize INT (other than just staves - so daggers, kukris, rapiers, and all other finessable weapons) as their attack and damage modifiers. Basically tools that allow them to be their potential utility without being as far left in the dust DPS wise as STR builds.
- Shield and Board: Tanking capstones (Sacred Defender and Stalwart) have a Hate Power bonus. Apply a 1 damage boost per 5s that you're at the top of a mobs hate list. Must have Shield equipped. All stacks removed after 5s if you're not the target of a mob, or instantly if shield is removed. Stacks capped at 25. This here solves multiple issues with S&B - increasing their lack luster DPS while also concurrently increasing their holding power as increased damage is compounded with hate gear/enhancements. Cap can always be decreased/increase for balance. If the case is such that an enhancement can't be coded by hate, it then can instead be triggered off being hit/missed, though I find that slightly less flavor fun.