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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Iconic races and the Favored Soul's Angel of Vengence

    So, looking around at different types of builds seeing what could be made has resulted in some various kinds of light dps builds. One being 2 monk/6 cleric/ 12 fvs for the SLAs and also the higher max caster lvls and spell crit bonuses. However, I've noticed on the wiki that pure AoV capstone can give you sun bolt as an SLA which would be great for light caster dmg builds. Only problem, it seems that iconics have to start their first lvl as a predefined class, so it seems impossible to ever have a pure fvs with an iconic class. If this is wrong please let me know and inform how to allow for an iconic pure fvs. If not then for the devs, are there any plans on allowing for this or will this always just remain a big slap in the face to players wanting that capstone?

  2. #2
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    The last update changed how reincarnation works. Iconics can now reincarnate including Lesser's of various level changes. As such, they can now use a LR +1 or greater to change the class taken at first level. It is now possible to use an LR +1 and make a 20 FVS Iconic. This is the only way to get that capstone but at least they made a capstone for just this scenario.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010


    So inconvenient, yet possible, just likely results in the need of spending TP/shards/lucking out for the LR+1. Maybe there well be plans to open this up more without the heart req. Thx for the info Xyfiel.

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