I'm trying to move my DDO configuration folder (defaults to "My Documents/Dungeons and Dragons Online", I want it to be "My Documents/My Games/Dungeons and Dragons Online").
My approach is to try modifying the TurbineLauncher.exe.config file. (as per this old thread: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...Settings-Issue)
When I change the line
<add key="Product.DocumentFolder" value="Dungeons and Dragons Online"/>
<add key="Product.DocumentFolder" value="My Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online"/>
it only half works. The launcher seems to use the new folder briefly, and successfully accesses (for example) the last world that I logged into from the file in the new location. However, when the game launches and the character selection screen comes up, it goes back to using the old folder (which gets created if it doesn't exist).
Any ideas why this would be the case? Is there something else I should try? I did also try making a "dndlauncher.exe.config" file with the same settings as "TurbineLauncher.exe.config", but it didn't seem to do anything.