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  1. #121
    Community Member
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    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Cetus View Post
    The reasons for my title are self-evident. More pay to win garbage in light of a forcefully grindy mechanic.

    You guys gave us double drop rates, we said it was more balanced, and you REMOVE IT. Now you simply allow us to pay for them instead?

    So we can buy epic hearts straight, and now you further incentivize the purchasing of otto's boxes to make more cash - yet refuse to alter the comm drop rates in game.

    Then you wonder why people exploit when they get the chance. you?
    Sorry, I just don't get your logic at all.

    The epic Ottos box was a steaming turd pile since it was introduced because of the CoV farming takes much longer than the XP farming. Essentially an Epic Ottos would cost 1295 more TP to really take advantage of its benefit as compared to the heroic ottos.

    In reality you are against the CoV system and Ottos in general, but I know you have used those too Cetus from other posts on the forum. Personally, I feel this was a good change to the epic box, but do not understand why a heroic box should award any comms. I still would never purchase an epic box unless it included a heart, nor would I trade for one at least not to the same value I hold to the heroic ones.

  2. #122
    Community Member the_one_dwarfforged's Avatar
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    Oct 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We included Commendations of Valor in unopened and future Epic Irresistible Otto's Boxes to address a concern we have heard from players who felt that using the box was a negative experience rather than a positive one in terms of Commendations. This aims to make sure that they're receiving the commendations appropriate to the XP received. Nothing is set in stone, though (remember that this is a particularly early state of Update 21 on Lamannia), so if there is a serious concern about including the Commendations in the boxes, it is something we could remove.
    seems to me like this is saying that ottos boxes are more valuable to turbine than the rest of the game. because i would think if having players who want to etr without buying ottos boxes and epic hearts was making you money you would address the vcomm situation in general, not just in the boxes.

    and as has been pointed out many times turbine has no reason to stop this craziness because people are still paying. i dont, and i still derive enjoyment from this game on occasion despite the grind. to those of you shelling out for my fun and my misery, thank you.
    You are but a lamb, ignorant of your own ignorance. You no longer interest me.

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