Are you streaming DDO on places like Twitch, Ustream, Google+, or your web site? Tell us about it! Use this thread to post a link to your URL. Have fun!
Are you streaming DDO on places like Twitch, Ustream, Google+, or your web site? Tell us about it! Use this thread to post a link to your URL. Have fun!
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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I call entrapment!
Oh. Right. Its Cordovan. So instead, I call new single thread to pull together all this stuff for community convenience. Good show.
Hopefully I also call "someone has thought of a way to make sure WB doesn't issue takedown notices to this stuff in one of their regular copyright purge paroxysms"?
I like to watch Twitch streams when I have mindless tasks to do at work. I always check to see if anyone is streaming DDO before I choose a channel, but there's rarely one up.
Would watch.
Been streaming it for 1-2 years when I have the chance. Usually only in the evenings and mostly soloing. I run it at 1080p 30 FPS, 4000 kbps (burst to 9000 kbps) variable bitrate so it takes a hefty connection for someone to see the stream without pauses. I forgo streaming on the odd nights where, for whatever reason, my connection with the twitch servers is spotty. Or when I'm listening to audiobooks (George Martin's books got me to farm insane amounts of desert scrolls from DQ1 back when epics came out).
Anyways I have an ongoing thread I sometimes mention streaming or uploads to youtube channel, most recent past broadcasts posted HERE.
Warning that if I'm in Teamspeak language you will hear will likely be mature. I need to set it up again to where TS chatter doesn't go to feed. Will also stream the music I listen to from time to time.
For any bored individuals the easiest way to know when a stream is going on is to register on twitch (its free and painless), go to the channel link below and follow, regardless if it is active atm. What that does is send an email notice saying when streams are going active.
Jibcutter's Twitch Channel
I hope to stream some playtesting of new content on new lamania soon with guildies, assuming character copy will ever work.
Last edited by Epitome; 01-24-2014 at 01:18 AM.
This thread gave me the kick in the pants to get started, been planning it a long time - I run EE every once in a while, mainly epic only stuff.
Central from 9PM to about 2AM - Send PM to any toon below on G-Land to ask me to start if it's not up.
Currently streaming EE Study in Sable
Lich - Lichclaw - Lichdust - Lichfate - Lichgaze - Lichrot - Lichsoul - Lichvault
Ghallanda ReRolled
DDOCast Contributor
Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
Youtube channel:
Hey guys!
I'm Kelethar and I run a stream as well as a gaming community. Every Saturday at 5pm PST/8pm EST, our group runs a couple of raids and quest series. We try to do different Quests every time. Since most of us are high level now, we've been running a lot of end game content. If this is something you're interested in you can check out my stream!
Last weekend we ran The Shroud, The Fall of Truth and Caught in the Web.
Here's the highlights from our last weekend.
The Shroud
For these raids, our group has been a collaboration of a couple of guilds on Cannith. Elven Battle Society and Shadow Warriors. It's been a great time so far! Hope you enjoy!
Last edited by Kelethar; 01-28-2014 at 02:47 PM.
I stream DDo at simi often.
I tend to stream a fairly lot of different things, including raid training, soloing and different attempts to become a soul stone.
Streaming daily @ and
Co host of Cocktail Hour with Lessah and Samius!
I occasionally stream DDO at (kind of random, no set schedule.)
Update 2018: I've been streaming 5 days a week from 11-4pm EST, Sun-Thursday.
However... I have a series of youtube videos that I've been working on at ... I've got 70+ videos, starting with the level 1 quests and working up from there. I show every trap, trap box, secret door, and chest location. I also show the solutions to puzzles. Hope these walkthrough videos help you!
---Your Friendly Neighborhood Acolyte of Pain, Velluminous.
Last edited by Velluminous; 01-16-2018 at 09:35 AM. Reason: Updated info
DDO Player since 2006. Lifetime VIP. Originally from Lhazaar; Now residing on Ghallanda.
Check my (far from complete) DDO walkthrough videos at
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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I'll be livestreaming on our official Twitch stream tomorrow - Friday, March 14th - starting at 5:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT)!
Tomorrow's guest will be Patrick from DDOcast! Somehow Patrick's convinced me to run The Crucible with him, which means I will actually have to make my way through the quest without doing what I usually do: pike as much of it as possible and make everyone else do the work.
Will Patrick and I beat the maze? Can I do the swim without totally embarrassing myself? Will people laugh in chat as I prove my total noob-ness, or perhaps even impress myself by succeeding without a hitch? Tune in to find out!
Remember: If you are interested, Follow us on Twitch to be notified when we're live.
P.S. - There will be Turbine Points.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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We shouldn't need this thread anymore, Akamai can let Turbine know when you are streaming.
Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane GhostbaneGhostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane Ghostbane
Just a random, forgettable NPC doing things an NPC does
Things that NPCs do include, but are not limited to:
Having a gold goblet over my head to indicate availability of a quest
Having a catchphrase that never really catches on
Having various rewards that are generally not worth the trouble
Wandering around randomly
Giving out obvious information if it wasn't obvious enough
Repeating the same lines over and over again
Repeating the same lines over and over again
Nightly DDO starting around 9pm edt. Occasionally during the day as well.
Content ranging from TR's to flavor builds (not just flavor of the month). You can see if my Cujo build is ever going to work out (11wiz/6monk/3druid rocking the zombie wolf)
Currently spend most of my time on the main avatar (Daze) ... current build linked in sig below... doing haunted halls and the like while I work towards epic TR completionist. That one has about 25 past lives or so and was the first to level 10 on Aundair .. back when there was an Aundair ... and 10 was the cap .... so lots of old loot laying around (invis clickies anyone) that you get to see from time to time.
It's got some old and some new. The groups are usually the same .. buncha shy guildmates that don't want ventrilo broadcast but I've managed to keep group chat on the stream..... the guildies have been warned! We're all older then the average gamer (and some of us were in the navy ... those darn sailors) so language can get a bit messy. I apologize for that in advance if it spills over and outside the vent channel (I generally blame the Canadian)
I look forward to seeing you all there!
Live now - The Crucible with DDOcast and Cordovan on Twitch!
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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That's a wrap! Thank you for joining us on Twitch!
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Hello from Standing Stone Games! Facebook Twitter
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Just a random, forgettable NPC doing things an NPC does
Things that NPCs do include, but are not limited to:
Having a gold goblet over my head to indicate availability of a quest
Having a catchphrase that never really catches on
Having various rewards that are generally not worth the trouble
Wandering around randomly
Giving out obvious information if it wasn't obvious enough
Repeating the same lines over and over again
Repeating the same lines over and over again
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
Follow DDO on: Facebook Twitter YouTube
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Hello from Standing Stone Games! Facebook Twitter
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