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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Aug 2013

    Default Enhancement stacking - what stacks and what doesnt?

    Hello everyone

    I've done some googling and reading up on the forums but am still unsure about what enhancements stack from different trees and what ones don't.

    Some enhancements it is clear, as it states it (for example, subtlety)
    I know stat enhancements stack and in general racial enhancements stack with class ones

    However, some enhancements are not so clear. For example, do the Assassin sneak attack bonus and Ninja Spy sneak attack bonus stack? I'm assuming they don't because they share the same name, but I've not found any clear guidelines as to how to determine what stacks and what doesn't. Is anyone able to enlighten me as to a formula for detecting which ones stack and which ones don't?

    Failing that, does anyone know if the Assassin and Ninja Spy sneak attack bonuses stack and also if the henshin mystic and acrobat staff training enhancements stack?


  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by December_Wolf View Post

    Failing that, does anyone know if the Assassin and Ninja Spy sneak attack bonuses stack and also if the henshin mystic and acrobat staff training enhancements stack?

    Henshin and Acrobat Staff Training enhancements do stack, not sure about Assasin and Ninja Spy SA tho.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Interesting. Is there any way you can tell from the enhancements screen or is this really a case of trying it in game and seeing what happens?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by December_Wolf View Post
    Interesting. Is there any way you can tell from the enhancements screen or is this really a case of trying it in game and seeing what happens?
    Some enhancements have in description that they don't stack with something (f.e. Improved Dodge from Kensei), but I wouldn't believe in descriptions too much. The only way to really know something in this game is to test it yourself lol.

  5. #5
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Ninja spy and assasin sneak attacks all stack.

    You can tell by checking the sneak attacks in your enhancements list vs the ones selected in your trees.

  6. #6
    Community Member RD2play's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by December_Wolf View Post
    Hello everyone

    I've done some googling and reading up on the forums but am still unsure about what enhancements stack from different trees and what ones don't.

    Some enhancements it is clear, as it states it (for example, subtlety)
    I know stat enhancements stack and in general racial enhancements stack with class ones

    However, some enhancements are not so clear. For example, do the Assassin sneak attack bonus and Ninja Spy sneak attack bonus stack? I'm assuming they don't because they share the same name, but I've not found any clear guidelines as to how to determine what stacks and what doesn't. Is anyone able to enlighten me as to a formula for detecting which ones stack and which ones don't?

    Failing that, does anyone know if the Assassin and Ninja Spy sneak attack bonuses stack and also if the henshin mystic and acrobat staff training enhancements stack?

    Enhancements with different names should stack, those with similar names do not, Base-sats excluded they all stack.

    Also 2 non-stacking enhancements from different trees (i.e. item defence (StD&SaD) should lock one another out if picked up in one tree. If you find any that do not show this behaviour "BUG IT!".

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaatan View Post
    The only way to really know something in this game is to test it yourself lol.
    Goddamn it, I do enough beta testing in the office! I suppose some of these things are easier to tell (count the number of sneak attack dice in character sheet for example) but this could be much better done just by having some sort of schema, for example "all enhancements with the same name and icon do not stack" or consistently putting the "does not stack" message on them.

    Turbine, looking at you here! Have some consistency dammit!

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