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  1. #1
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    Default Minimum skill point investment for trapping?

    I was reading about a Cleric build earlier today - Clr17/Mnk2/Rog1. The Rogue level was taken first, and 4 ranks put in the Rogue skills (Open Lock, Disable Device, etc.) The poster of the build said that with four ranks in the skills, and maximum level-appropriate skill-booster items, he could get through just about any trap.

    The build was posted almost three years ago, and I'm considering a similar 1-level Rogue splash and wondering if that's still the case. I know there are a few traps with unusually high DCs, but could I, say, get through Hard with only four points invested, or would it be necessary to throw some cross-class points into Disable Device and/or Open Lock to stay capable?

  2. #2
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Community Member Battery's Avatar
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    You'll have to keep putting points into those skills every level to keep them maxed. That means a minimum of 4 skill points for level just for traps (2 into search and 2 into disable) 2 more for open lock and 2 into UMD if you want those maxed too. It's doable but no you can't just stop at the first 4 points at level 1.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Battery View Post
    You'll have to keep putting points into those skills every level to keep them maxed. That means a minimum of 4 skill points for level just for traps (2 into search and 2 into disable) 2 more for open lock and 2 into UMD if you want those maxed too. It's doable but no you can't just stop at the first 4 points at level 1.
    I did think that I might need to do more than just the first 4! I wondered whether the difference between Normal/Hard/Elite might be such that I'd need to keep it maxed for Elite, but could get away with skipping a few ranks for Hard, and letting it slide even more for Normal, though.

  5. #5
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    You definately wont search out many trap boxes and disable them in heroic elites from abut level 6+ if your stopping at 4 ranks in search and disable.

    Are you sure he didnt only spend 4 ranks on open lock. Almost all the heroic elite locks can be picked with only 4 ranks spent, it requires a lot of buffs gear and and high rolls though.

  6. #6
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    Generally, 4 ranks is not enough. But would it be truly impossible? It's only 19 points difference. Players have gained a lot of power. As a theoretical exercise, I think it would be possible (but perhaps not practical) to find enough gear/pots/enhancements to do it.

    * skill tomes: +5
    * elite spider cult mask: +1
    * human enhancements:
    *** HV:skill +4
    *** skill focus: awareness + nimble fingers +3
    *** skill mastery +1
    *** GH early +4
    * mechanic enhancements (rogue 1):
    *** awareness + mechanics +3
    * cleric spell Find Traps: insight bonus to Search, up to +9 on the build in OP
    * swap crafted good luck+2 at level 7
    * greensteel at level 11: +6 exceptional bonus
    * upgraded Ventilated Bracers at level 13: +5 enhancement bonus
    * PL:Artificer x3: +3 to int skills
    * completionist: +2 skills +1 from ability increase

    then there are alchemical skill potions (+3)... bard singing along (+2)... and possibly other stuff.

    It might be actually easier than it seems.

  7. #7
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    On my trapper 11 Ranger / 8 Bard / 1 Rogue I only put the first 4 points in Open Lock and I haven't found any lock I haven't been able to open yet on heroic elite and epic hard. Even the hard chest at the beginning of Servants opens just fine.

    I did invest in Disable the full 23 ranks, and likewise there isn't a trap I haven't been able to disable as of yet.

    What you do need is some dedicated gear, buffs and enhancements but by no means is my gear top notch yet.

    I once ran across a player that insisted someone else be the party's trapper simply because he had more Rogue/Arti levels than me. I just silently laughed.
    Last edited by Rhaphael; 01-21-2014 at 06:54 AM.

  8. #8
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    it's not 'just 4 points'... its 4 points per level, 2 to search, 2 to disable.. and as clerics don't get many points to begin with... its 4 points to keep trapping viable at the expense of all else.

    it's certainly possible... as long as you can squeeze 4 points in, you can force any build in to trapping XD (Katzklaw's first life was an OLD epic capable trapping FvS AA)... but not everyone is willing to give up those ranks of concentration.. and now heal for extra positive spellpower.

    altho yes, the initial 4 ranks of lockpick will be enough for most locks you'll run across.
    Last edited by katz; 01-21-2014 at 07:45 AM.

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  9. #9
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    You can get away with not having 23 ranks in search if you make use of this level 2 spell.

    Find Traps
    Divination Grants the caster the ability to find traps much like a skilled Rogue. The caster gains an insight bonus of caster level/2 to the Search Skill.

    You still can't dump it.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by fTdOmen View Post
    You definately wont search out many trap boxes and disable them in heroic elites from abut level 6+ if your stopping at 4 ranks in search and disable.

    Are you sure he didnt only spend 4 ranks on open lock. Almost all the heroic elite locks can be picked with only 4 ranks spent, it requires a lot of buffs gear and and high rolls though.
    This is the thread I was looking at:

    Max whatever you want at first level with Rogue. With 2 ranks in disable device and 4 in search I am able to do almost every trap in the game with full gear.
    Eat plus 2 int tome at level 1 and have 3 skill points/level.
    UMD and concentration at cleric levels.
    UMD, concentration and stealth skills on monk levels.
    Because I mostly (just about always, really) solo, I'm not too concerned with being able to hit Elite DCs; Hard would definitely be sufficient.

  11. #11
    Community Member ArgentMage's Avatar
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    I've got several Cleric trappers for soloists. It's my favorite solo build, because I just hate leaving behind
    locked chests and doors. Having played various incarnations of this build for last 4 years, I'd be happy
    to help you along. One thing is certain: every time Turbine makes changes to the game, the viability
    of this build waxes and wanes. Right now, it's pretty strong due to the enhancement pass, but still
    very tight on build and skill points.

    The thing is this: If you're planning on playing Epics, you need to take enough trapping skills during your
    Heroic levels to last through Epic levels, since there are very few skill points available past level 20. In
    particular, Search and Spot will be your downfall if you don't plan ahead. Epic Gianthold on Hard was a
    rude awakening when I couldn't Spot most of the traps even with 40 WIS, +20 Epic Spyglass, and GH
    (but they showed up when I did Skill Boost, so I knew I was close).

    Here's the nickel tour: At least 32-point build, Human (for the extra skill point), INT 14.
    I prefer Artificer over Rogue for spell points, repeater use (and conjure bolts), and the pet (which is
    great for soloing quests like Delera's and Waterworks where you need a lever-puller), but Rogue is fine
    if you don't have Artificer.

    Max Disable Device. Put 9 skill points into Spot, Search, and Open Lock (4 each at 1st level, and then
    5 each over time as you level). Take all 6 Awareness Enhancements (3 in Human tree, 3 in Warpriest).
    That setup, plus the +20 Spyglass, is working in Epic Hard through Stormhorns. I also take Greater
    Heroism from the Human tree, just to be sure. Have the best Spot/Search/Disable/Open Lock gear
    available at each level (I do use the +10s from level 7-11, though, skipping the +11s). Crafting helps here.

    Even with all this, Elites are marginal, and there are locks you won't be able to pick (like that nasty
    one in the Schyndylryn prisons), but for the most part, Hard is in the bag.

    With all those skill points committed, I'm dumping Concentration and Heal, so take Quicken early.

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited by ArgentMage; 01-31-2014 at 01:58 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArgentMage View Post
    (Snipped a bunch of helpful stuff)
    That's most helpful, thank you! I hadn't considered Artificer over Rogue. If my last trip to 28 is anything to go by, I'll be doing Hard (and sometimes Normal) in heroic levels, then Normal in Epic, so those numbers should be fine.

  13. #13
    Community Member ArgentMage's Avatar
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    Cannith-crafted repeaters are just ridiculously good in the early game.
    Screaming at level 1, then Screaming of Bleed at level 2 works on just about everything.
    Endless supply of +1 bolts. At level 6 make a Holy of Pure Good for anything Evil
    (which is the vast majority of stuff at that point), falling back to the Screaming of Bleed
    for everything else.

    On some builds, I do a second level of Arti at 13/14 to get rune-arm, and that makes repeaters
    useful for the late heroic and Epic levels. I take Zen Archery on that build. One level of
    Fighter to squeeze in Improved Critical Ranged.

    Slaver's Crossbow for the win in Epics. I get a huge kick out of poison-stunning drow
    (particularly casters) in MotU content - how do YOU like it?

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