We are a small guild with only 2 active accounts. Looking to add 4 more in order to max out the guild renown bonus and level to 55 faster.

Once we get to 55+, we will open recruitment up to more members as we will have more to offer in way of amenities on the airship.

One of us is currently farming epic destines (Mallevolence) while the other is leveling and testing various builds.

Characters are available at all levels to assist and quest knowledge is abundant!

Please find the specifics of the guild below! You are more than welcome to PM me here on the forums or hit me up in the game, I play daily.

Friends of Dorothy
Guild Leader: Mallevolence Conospier
Guild Contact: Mallevolence, Malnack, Necronack, Necrocanter, Malterra
Guild Website: (Under Construction)
Guild Size: 2 Members, Level 35, Actively recruiting and leveling.
Guild Type: Casual, 18 and up.
Guild Slogan: (Waiting to recruit more folks and then have a guild contest for this.)
Guild Description: Very laid back guild. Diverse levels among the two players. Very familiar with all quests. Welcoming to new players or vets. Positive outlook, friendly, open minded. Looking for those of similar persuasion and characteristics.
Guild Time Zone: Central/Eastern