We seek to bring back the foundation for D&D and make platinum pieces as coveted as they were in the beginning. We strive to keep magical weapons valued,and not something that is a dime a dozen. We hope to rekindle the awe of named loot and end rewards. We hope to make playing fun again, and not an endless grind of lives and monotony.
No auction house
No daily dice
No use of trade channel
No use of robots or double logins
No trading between alts or proxies
No crafting in crafting hall
No platinum bank withdrawals
No trading items for platinum, only vendors or brokers
No platinum mailing
No trading bags
No begging for platinum
No deleting characters and saving loot by proxy
No ship chest storage or looting
No saving non-bound items on reincarnation
No using the stone of change to bind items to keep after reincarnation
No bullying
No elitist attitude
No piking
No DDO store for weapons, armor, cakes, pots, hires, tomes, buffs, cosmetics
No trading, other than while looting chests in a quest.
Can use brokers and vendors
Can gift or trade item for item in a group AT THE TIME OF LOOTING
Can use hires
Can use keep bound to character/account on reincarnation
Can use haggle
Can farm dungeons
Can use tomes found while looting
Can use any item found while looting (XP pots, etc.)
Can use DDO store for account items or quest packs
Can participate in festivals
Can join PUGs (honor system)
Violators will be cast out, zero tolerance! You did join for the challenge after all, didn't you?
Send a lightning rail to Nyllo to join the new movement! Are you up for the challenge?