*Whispering* "Hey, have you seen that red haired woman sitting alone in that corner of the tavern? .. Her name is Tharsys, is a Witch who came from Sharn. She can get you Purple, Blue or White Ice coins if you have the necessary essences, both Greater and Lesser. You can find her these days around the harbor during the Risia Ice Games in Stormreach" ...
1 Purple= 10 Greater Essences.
1 Blue= 1 Greater Essence/10 Lesser
1 White= 1 Lesser
Any kind of essence is welcomed.
If the waiting takes a little bit long, take a round of ale to my account,... ask the shopkeeper for "Tharsys Itsindi", he knows who I am. *winks*
Like others events: see you all in the Harbor these days, Thelanis Server. mostly GMT+1, If Im offline send a private message by mail if you want a meeting, in the Leaky Dingy.
Watch for the General chat theses days...