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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Client Freezing / Overheating GPU Issue

    My specs:

    i7 3610qm

    Radeon HD 7970m (2 GB)

    8 GB RAM

    Regardless of whether I run the game on the lowest possible settings (with DX9), or the highest possible settings (with DX11), the game loads very slowly (and often hangs / freezes on loading screens), and it causes my computer to overheat.

    Using GPU Temp, a program that monitors the load and temperature of my graphics card, I noticed that as soon as the character selection screen shows after the client starts, the "load" on my GPU is immediately at 99%, and the temperature begins gradually rising until it gets up to 90+ Celsius.

    I can't really explain this; my computer runs lots of other, much newer, games without any similar issues. I was playing Dota 2 just before trying to play DDO and the "load" was always down around 40% and the heat never went above 77. I have to imagine there's just some kind of hardware incompatibility with the DDO client for some reason.

    Note -- I haven't done any sort of overclocking or such stuff with my GPU. Aside from updating drivers, I haven't done anything to my card.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Have you looked on the Video Card Manufacture's web site for Compatibility issues? (not with your machine, but with the game)

    Some manufacturer's list games and potential issues/settings that should be used when using a particular game. Example: NVIDIA recommends certain settings to be turned off when used with DDO due to an issue with how DDO code layers effects.

    It is worth checking it out and seeing if there is something as simple as this to fix the problem, before you burn up your Video card that is.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    I'll check that.

    And yeah, I'm definitely not playing DDO any more until I get some sort of solution. This seems like a nice game to play (only just decided to check it out today), but I'm not gonna risk my hardware.

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