Hi Folks,
I'm looking for some good ideas for my next life on my artificer who just hit 20 - first life. This character is the one I play when guildies aren't around so is mainly for solo play. I don't know where all the traps are, so it either needs to be a trapper or have saves that will get through most traps and be able to solo most content ideally on elite right up to level 20.
I don't have a problem with using a hireling, so self healing not a priority, although it would be nice for when the hireling dies/goes to sleep.
I'd prefer suggestions that win through DPS and not through a slow surviving slog.
I think I'd prefer elf, half elf, human or drow but could be swayed in another direction by a solid build idea.
I'm probably going to use my +20 heart to LR into a rogue before TR'ing as I think that would be a more useful past life to acquire now rather than artificer.
While I really enjoyed levelling artificer and spent large portions of it soloing content I'd like to try something slightly different. I have some nice long swords in the bank and fancy using long swords, either that or dwarven axes and will probably duel wield them - however I also like the versatility of having some good spells and missile options to call on.
I won't be raiding with this character and so will only have access to standard, blue gear and crafting, although I do have the Abishai set and plan to use this early on.
I've already levelled a druid, a monk and reasonably far along with a paladin and wizard with other characters so I'm reasonably competent.
I've played around with the character builder trying various things but have not come to any conclusions yet. I was contemplating a rogue/ranger/fighter type build and was also looking at maybe Juggernaut - but not sure if this build would work without loads of raid gear.
My monk will be TR'ing into a Henshin/Acrobat so that's already ruled out.
Any and all suggestions welcome.