Bard's are phenomenal at fascinate.
Pure bards should have maximum ranks in all of their class skills.
On character creation, give them Mental Training.
On character creation, give them a full base attack bonus.
On character creation, give them a good fortitude save.
Make all class feature songs to be performed all at once, effecting everyone in the party.
Improve their meta-magic spell point costs in their enhancement line.
Make all bard spells have only verbal components, becoming unaffected by armor & shield.
Improve their enhancement of rage with a bonus to Dexterity, too.
On character creation, add an exotic bastard sword weapon proficiency.
On character creation, add the trap-smith skills to their class skills.
On character creation, add the heal skill as a class skill.
Improve their enchantment spells by making their charm and hold monster irresistible.
Improve their speed of spell casting.
Improve the duration of their spells.
Fix broken enhancements.

Thank you for your considerations.