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  1. #21
    The Hatchery kierg10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightmanis View Post
    I've seen people saying they can hit 160-200ish sustained, etc etc. I want to know how.

    Now, before U14 I used to be all like OMG MAX AC LOLOLOLOLOLOL CAN'T HIT ME even though I never achieved it.

    But since it seemed to lose a LOT of it's power after U14, I casually forgot everything about it.

    So now I'm asking simply: Can someone give me an AC breakdown on how to hit the 200 figure on a Fighter? More specifically, a 12 Fighter 6 Cleric 2 Druid S&B build in Dreadnought.

    Or, better yet just tell me how to hit as much AC as I can.
    32 (+50% from reinforced armour enhancement)=48 white dragon armour
    +2 dex
    +10 protection item
    +10 natural armour item
    +20 (+15% stalwart shield mastery enhancement)=23(+50% shield prowess from US)=34 madstone aegis
    +3 stalwart defender
    =107 base line
    +5 unbreakable stance from US
    +10 hardened from US

    I don't know every plus to AC, but there is some you can work off of happy questing
    Ckarlock Alarm (PDK bard 7 fighter 6 rogue 2) life 17
    Dragonbloodz Power (Drow sorc 20/epic 8) life 6
    Sorinsal (Drow rogue 20/epic 5) life 2
    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    What I think is OP is anyone who uses implemented game mechanics, standard game features, or their own skill to be more effective in quests then I am - so I then find the time to post complaints about their use of implemented game mechanics, standard game features, or their own skill thus making me OP on the forums.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bridge_Dweller View Post
    Here's a new flash for the people who have not evolved and still play sponge toons: you serve no purpose. it's rude, but it's the truth. Divines are powerful, have been for a long time. They don't need you. If you need them you add no value to the group.

  2. #22
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    <cracks knuckles>
    <opens many ddowiki pages>
    <pulls out calculator>

    My computer is down atm so I can't double check everything, but assuming that the 20%, 10%, and 10% from grandmaster of earth, combat expertise, and eldritch knight mage armor sla stack...

    Race: dwarf with +3 from armor mastery enhancement or halfling with +2 dex from race, +2 Dex from enhancements, and +1 ac size bonus

    Class split: 15 monk (12 ac from levels, gm earth +20% ac, wis to ac), 2 pally (+6 ac from aura, +3 from enh), 1 sorc or wizard (ek mage armor sla +10% ac). 2 levels left to play around with

    Notable gear: t3 flawless white dragon robe, +10 Nat armor and protection items, +11/3/1 Dex/wis items, Litany, ee master's riposte, alchemical Kama/shortsword/longsword with +2 alchemical wis, Yugo wis/dex pots, recitation scrolls, tenser's scrolls

    Notable feats: whirling steel strike, two weapon defense, grandmaster of forms, combat expertise, completionist, epic mage armor, bulwark of defense, great wis/dex to even out stats

    eldr knight (4 ap spent): mage armor sla (+10% ac)
    Sacred defender (8-14 ap): sacred armor mastery (+3 ac), bulwark aura (+5 ac), defense boost (5/10/15 ac)
    Monk trees (44-56 ap): +4 or +5 to stats
    Halfling OR dwarf (6 or 4 ap): +2 Dex cores OR armor mastery (+3 ac)

    Destinies: unyielding sentinel: unbreakable stance (+5 ac), hardened (+10 ac)

    Twists (29 fate points: 18 from EDs, 2 from tome, 9 from epic pl): paired parry (primal t4) (+5 ac), walking with waves (gmof t3) (+6 ac), lithe (shadowdancer t2) (+6 ac)

    Past lives: completionist (+2 to stats), 9x martial passive epic pl (36 ac at lvl 20+)

    Wisdom: 18 base + 7 levels + 5 tome + 11/3/1 item + 1 litany + 2 completionist + 5 enh + 1 great wis feats + 2 Yugo + 2 ship + 2 alch = 60
    Dex: 18 base (20 halfling) (+2 halfling enh) - 2 earth stance + 5 tome + 10/3/1 item + 1 litany + 2 completionist + 2 Yugo + 2 ship + 4 alch (tenser's) = 46 (50 halfling)

    Breakdown (dwarf):
    10 base
    25 wis
    18 dex
    12 monk lvls
    6 paladin aura
    3 sacred defender enh
    3 dwarf enh
    36 martial past lives
    20 epic mage armor
    7 shield (flawless white dragonscale)
    10 protection
    10 natural armor
    2 luck (recitation)
    3 ship buffs
    4 bulwark of defense
    1 two weapon defense
    6 insight (master's riposte)
    15 unyielding sentinel
    17 twists
    = 208 + 20% gm earth + 10% combat expertise + 10% mage armor sla
    = 291.2

    208 + 15 boost + 40%
    = 312.2

    291 semi-sustainable (no store or limited availability consumables) self buffed, 312 while boosting

    Not a very viable build, and requires a ridiculous amount of grind in the form of completionist and 9 epic past lives... but doable.

  3. #23
    LOOON375's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightmanis View Post

    I'm just sick of the all or nothing aspect most people have.
    That's the main problem with these forums and some of the posters. "no fail" becomes the one and only standard that matters. If you can't get AC to a point that you are being missed 100% of the time, "it's useless" and not worth building for. As far as Im concerned, if you can get it to a point that you are missed say 5% of the time against trash in EE, that's good enough ac for me. Especially since it is EE.

    I build and play my toons to a point of what works or what I can get to work. I don't look to build for "no fail'. If anyone could get a no fail AC in EE content, then why the heck would they bother playing if they don't take any damage?

    AC isn't broke IMHO. It just doesn't work near as well in EE content when compared to EN and EH. It is epic elite isn't it?

    And if some players figured out a way to get a no fail AC without completely gimping their toons in other ways, they would come back to the forums crying how the game is too easy.

    That's why I always suggest to people to just try different things out for themselves. Find out for yourself what in fact does work and what doesn't.

    Good luck.
    The Fockers of Argo
    LOOON (Rogue); Reaperbait (Warlock); Eatuhdiq (Sorc); Fuglymofo (Barbarian)
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  4. #24
    Community Member Nightmanis's Avatar
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    Default Thank you for actually putting the time into this and not just saying "It's useless"

    Quote Originally Posted by peng View Post
    <cracks knuckles>
    <opens many ddowiki pages>
    <pulls out calculator>

    My computer is down atm so I can't double check everything, but assuming that the 20%, 10%, and 10% from grandmaster of earth, combat expertise, and eldritch knight mage armor sla stack...

    Race: dwarf with +3 from armor mastery enhancement or halfling with +2 dex from race, +2 Dex from enhancements, and +1 ac size bonus

    Class split: 15 monk (12 ac from levels, gm earth +20% ac, wis to ac), 2 pally (+6 ac from aura, +3 from enh), 1 sorc or wizard (ek mage armor sla +10% ac). 2 levels left to play around with

    Notable gear: t3 flawless white dragon robe, +10 Nat armor and protection items, +11/3/1 Dex/wis items, Litany, ee master's riposte, alchemical Kama/shortsword/longsword with +2 alchemical wis, Yugo wis/dex pots, recitation scrolls, tenser's scrolls

    Notable feats: whirling steel strike, two weapon defense, grandmaster of forms, combat expertise, completionist, epic mage armor, bulwark of defense, great wis/dex to even out stats

    eldr knight (4 ap spent): mage armor sla (+10% ac)
    Sacred defender (8-14 ap): sacred armor mastery (+3 ac), bulwark aura (+5 ac), defense boost (5/10/15 ac)
    Monk trees (44-56 ap): +4 or +5 to stats
    Halfling OR dwarf (6 or 4 ap): +2 Dex cores OR armor mastery (+3 ac)

    Destinies: unyielding sentinel: unbreakable stance (+5 ac), hardened (+10 ac)

    Twists (29 fate points: 18 from EDs, 2 from tome, 9 from epic pl): paired parry (primal t4) (+5 ac), walking with waves (gmof t3) (+6 ac), lithe (shadowdancer t2) (+6 ac)

    Past lives: completionist (+2 to stats), 9x martial passive epic pl (36 ac at lvl 20+)

    Wisdom: 18 base + 7 levels + 5 tome + 11/3/1 item + 1 litany + 2 completionist + 5 enh + 1 great wis feats + 2 Yugo + 2 ship + 2 alch = 60
    Dex: 18 base (20 halfling) (+2 halfling enh) - 2 earth stance + 5 tome + 10/3/1 item + 1 litany + 2 completionist + 2 Yugo + 2 ship + 4 alch (tenser's) = 46 (50 halfling)

    Breakdown (dwarf):
    10 base
    25 wis
    18 dex
    12 monk lvls
    6 paladin aura
    3 sacred defender enh
    3 dwarf enh
    36 martial past lives
    20 epic mage armor
    7 shield (flawless white dragonscale)
    10 protection
    10 natural armor
    2 luck (recitation)
    3 ship buffs
    4 bulwark of defense
    1 two weapon defense
    6 insight (master's riposte)
    15 unyielding sentinel
    17 twists
    = 208 + 20% gm earth + 10% combat expertise + 10% mage armor sla
    = 291.2

    208 + 15 boost + 40%
    = 312.2

    291 semi-sustainable (no store or limited availability consumables) self buffed, 312 while boosting

    Not a very viable build, and requires a ridiculous amount of grind in the form of completionist and 9 epic past lives... but doable.
    That's...umm.....well, that's a bit higher of a number than I was expecting.

    However, from your list I can just pick and choose what I think will help me vs the build that I want to use.

    312ac though, that's impressive. Not gonna lie.

  5. #25
    Community Member Nightmanis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThomasAshworth View Post
    Well, switched to Firefox and have more editing options available suddenly. The following is my AC calculator tool. I'm not quite sure how the game does rounding, but my numbers are typically only off by 1 point, and I'm usually a point lower in my spreadsheet than the value in the game. But, this should at least help show some of the various sources for AC.

    AC AC Source Notes
    10 Base Armor
    33 Armor Bonus Heavy Armor - Flawless White Dragonplate Armor
    17 Sacred Defender: Reinforced Armor (+50%)
    60 Armor Sub Total
    2 Armor Max Dex Bonus Adjust down for max allowed by Tower Shield if shield is equiped
    0 Sacred Defender Enhancement: Sacred Armor Mastery (+2 Armor Max Dex Bonus) Do not calculate both sacred defender max dex bonuses. If wearing a Tower Shield, use the Tower Shield bonus. Otherwise, use the armor bonus.
    3 Sacred Defender Enhancement: Sacred Shield Mastery (+3 Tower Shield Max Dex Bonus) Do not calculate both sacred defender max dex bonuses. If wearing a Tower Shield, use the Tower Shield bonus. Otherwise, use the armor bonus.
    5 Max Dex Bonus Total
    65 Armor Total (Armor Sub Total + Max Dex Bonus Total)
    21 Shield Bonus Epic Madstone Tower Shield. Can be the Shield spell, or an actual shield. If using Tower Shield, adjust max dex bonus relative to the Tower Shield in use.
    11 Unyielding Sentinel: Shield Prowess (+50%) Passive Bonus: Shield AC contribution increased by 50%.
    3 Sacred Defender Enhancement: Sacred Shield Mastery (+15%)
    35 Shield Total
    100 Armor Total + Shield Total
    8 Enhancement Bonus (Armor or Shield Enhancement bonus) Use only the greater enhancement bonus of either armor or shield.
    3 Sacred Defender Enhancement: Sacred Armor Mastery (+3 AC) Feat Bonus
    8 Natural Armor
    10 Unyielding Sentinel: Hardened Feat Bonus
    1 Alchemical Eldritch Ritual: Armor (+1 Alchemical Dodge Bonus)
    1 Alchemical Eldritch Ritual: Shield (+1 Alchemical Bonus)
    0 Natural Armor (Twist of Fate) e.g. Twisting "Dragonhide" from tier 1 Draconic Incarnation
    5 Unyielding Sentinel: Unbreakable (+5 Sacred Bonus to Natural Armor) Stacks with other natural armor bonuses. Passive benefit.
    5 Insight Armor Bonus Guardians Bracers - provides Riposte IX: Passive: +5 insight bonus to armor class, +4 insight bonus to all saving throws
    0 Insight Natural Armor Bonus e.g. Knights Loyalty Set Bonus
    8 Protection: Deflection Bonus Flawless White Dragonplate Armor. Could also come from "Spell: Shield of Faith"
    1 Feat: Paladin Aura of Good
    5 Sacred Defender: Bulwark Aura (+5)
    4 Epic Feat: Bulwark of Defense (Only when Combat Expertise is active) When in a defensive stance, you gain an additional +2 to all saving throws and +4 to Armor class.
    0 Defender of Siberys Item Set Item set bonus from belt and ring will add +2 stacking AC.
    0 Profane Bonus e.g. Echrono set
    0 Wisdom Bonus Monk. Adds Wisdom modifier to AC with Monk Level 1
    0 Centered Bonus Monk. Adds additional AC depending on Monk level. Requires no armor/shield, and only weapons that allow monk to remain centered.
    3 Ship Buffs: House Deneith Defender Contract, House Kundarak Battlemaster Contract, Clan Gnashtooth Kobold Shaman Contract
    12 Epic Past Life Feat: Martial Sphere Passive Bonus: +2 AC per stack of this Past Life and +1 AC per ten character levels. (+4 total AC with level 28 cap. +5 total AC with level 30 cap.)
    174 Sub Total (Armor and Shield Total + Remaining sources of AC)
    18 Feat:Combat Expertise (+10%)
    192 Total (Sub Total + Combat Expertise)
    2 Luck bonus Spell: Recitation
    1 Dodge bonus Spell: Haste
    1 Spell: Armor Enchantment. Artificer spell.
    1 Spell: Weapon Enchantment. Will apply to shields too if equiped. Artificer spell
    197 Total with Temporary Buffs
    2 Active Blocking
    199 Total With All Buffs and Blocking
    Taken from the other thread.

    This. Is. AWESOME.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightmanis View Post
    I ask for a bit of help, and just get blasted for the idea. Is this really what the forums have devolved into?
    Largely, yes. But not completely.

  7. #27
    Community Member Nayus's Avatar
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    Bookmarking this for reference O_O

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