Greeting everyone,
I am sure players from time to time, and place to place want to remove the class associated with an iconic.
How is this done?
Plan your class levels carefully.
Realize alignment may become an issue.
Realize you can never have more than three potential classes ever.
This means with a potential three class build, you may want to start with only two classes,
adding more later with your second heart.
First reincarnate / create your toon for this life.
You must take one level of the class associated with this toon.
Hit character creation, finished.
Enter the world.
Refuse additional training from your choosen mentor.
Find the proper trainers and level up your first set of class choices.
If you wish a complex arranged triple class, plan out carefully.
Example, a bladeforged seeking Fighter 12 / Monk 6 / Ranger 2 is complex creature.
You would need to start with Pally 1 / Fighter 11 / Monk 3.
You could then remove the Pally for a Fighter level, moving to Fighter 12 / Monk 3, and level that up.
You should not attempt to swap the Pally directly for a Ranger level, because you would have four classes at one moment in time.
{Class swapping from, Class swapping into, future Classes you will have ~ must not exceed three total}
You should be able to trade a latter fighter level with a ranger level as you no longer have that pally level.
Anyone, find, trade, purchase your heart of choice, like a +1 lesser heart.
Start the process which will move you to the character creation screen.
At this point, you must do something that is not obvious.
Click on Melee or Caster or Specialist.
The mistake you are needing to avoid is during the character creation process do NOT leave the Iconic choice clicked.
This will result in a wasted heart.
A warning will pop up, informing you that you are using one of your class changes.
Accept this and move on.
This will not affect your past lives, nor will it affect your iconic status.
In step two of the character creation process, click on the class that you wish to replace the auto choosen iconic class.
Continues the rest of character creation process as normally done.
Click finish.
You will now find yourself with life shaper.
Continues your plan as desired, working thru the 15 levels.
Leave life shaper.
Earn xp.
Good luck!