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  1. #1
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Default New Years Adventure Pack Giveaway!

    Hi all, fellow player Carrianne here. As a follow up to Olathural's VIP giveaway I have decided to do my own little giveaway. This could apply to any premium player who doesnt already own all packs, or even one who has an alternate account without all packs. If like myself you've gone VIP temporarily to take advantage of free hearts, I can award it to you once you go back to premium.

    Basically, on New Year's Day, I'll be giving away an adventure pack of choice (expansions excluded) to one premium or free player out there. As with Ola's VIP gift, you must be a player on Orien, not someone coming over to Orien to take advantage of the contest. For the entry, I'd like to hear the following on this thread (If you posted previously on the Christmas thread, no need to re-post here)-

    1) Which pack would you like to receive for free and why? What interests you about this pack and how would it enhance your ddo experience?

    2) Why would you owning this pack allow you to participate more thoroughly in the ddo community?

    I'll tip my hat as to my judging criterion and tell you that I am a pnp veteran who is more interested in lore and plot mechanics than, say wanting a pack simply because it has one coveted item, although such things are valid secondary considerations.

    I will award either by having the pack directly gifted to your account (which will at that time require a username) if customer service cooperates, or if I can't do this I'll just do it via a point code. Hoping to hear about the packs you want and why, and good luck to all!
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

  2. #2
    Community Member Drelak's Avatar
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    I play on all servers, each in it's turn, so I don't know if you feel that I qualify to participate.
    On Orien I play (still) low level cleric named Pietari.

    I'd like to get the Vale of Twilight.
    2) That would help me to find groups more easily when on those levels.
    1) The contents sound fun, and there is lots of XP and Twelve favor, that sound really usefull.

    (Edit) Because of the quality of the competing posts, I'll add to mine: I am long time PnP player: Basic D&D in the 80:s, Runequest in 90:s, 3. edition to epic levels and 3.5 and 4 in 2000. In the last decade unfortunately I have had very little PnP gaming activity. DDO is what I do to unwind. I have played mostly solo, because my computer is trash (my brother got it from recycling center where he works) and I can't use voice chat. Lately I have started active PUGing on all servers I play, both posting my own groups and joining others. On Orien I have decided to develop Pietari as Radiant Servant healer, to be able to help heal PUGs. (/Edit)
    Last edited by Drelak; 01-01-2014 at 05:36 AM. Reason: Other posts are of too high quality

  3. #3
    Blogger and Hatchery Hero
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    heyo. Katz again.

    i would like to get VoN pack on my 2nd account... 1. to give me something to run on epic with my character there, and 2. to get enough house K favor to expand her bank. she's full! O.o

    edit: scratch that. she has von now. sentinals pack!
    Last edited by katz; 12-31-2013 at 09:38 PM.

    the official home of LOLWUT
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  4. #4
    Community Member Erofen's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Hey Carrianne!

    1. I would love to receive the GH pack for free. This pack is full of interesting story lines, great loot, and the best quest ever: Crucible. This quest begins with the interesting element of a maze and a great use of several floors/non floors (water). Most of the trials are fun to complete and seems to be alot more immersive then the usual hack-and-slash quests.

    2. Owning this pack on my cleric's account would allow me to provide heals to the meat slabs and join Kringr's LFMs twice. XD

    Thanks much!

    ~Somewhat Friendly Neighborhood Halfling
    Orien: ~Erofen (30 Assassin Rogue) ~Erofenlock (30 EB Warlock) ~Erofenmonk (30 Light Monk) ~Erofentrap (30 Roguerficer (1st TR/Legend Build ever)) ~Erofenbarb (30 Barb) ~Erofenbless (30 FvS Chest Blesser) ~Erofenthree (30 Bard Dualbox) ~Erofenten (30 Barb Triplebox)
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'? Kex! Stop It! O.o

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Hello and thank you for doing this, its a great sign of a part of the comunity of the game.

    As for what Pack I think would be a great gift/boon to me, I don't know. A Part of me wants to say Del's Tomb because its Voiced by the master himself Gary Gygax, Another part of me thinks Devil Assult would be fun, because I'd be able to Relive a point in DDO histroy, the Attack of the market place. I was not here for it so it would be neat to see. BUT when I sit back and think what else Drives me to these 2, Its the loot.. Not the nice story lines or anything. Tho I do enjoy the story for Dels (I got to guest pass it.. so was hurryed, but was still enjoyable) So in order to decide on a Pack Purely based off Storyline merit/functionaly I honestly can't say. As I've never experanced them all my knowlage originate second hand so, I'm basically picking blind/randomly.. So my pick, if I was to be awarded this would be "Sentinels of Stormreach".

    I posted in the first thread but never mentioned a pack hence me saying something here. Good luck to all and I hope everone had a lovely christmas.

  6. #6
    Hero Silken-Akira's Avatar
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    not for myself (not even on the this server me) but a +1 for katz because the the great posts that katz did.

  7. #7
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    NOTE not entering twich, Just having issues editing my previous post, Grumble.. I forgot to mention character names, Esdian (6 Bard/2 Rogue-) and Jiaa (4 Ranger), As well as to say I only posted here cause I did not mention a pack in my post in the "first thread".. Still annoyed at lack of editing working. carry on.

  8. #8
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    A couple of people were unable to reply to the thread and PMed me instead. Here are their replies-


    1) Which pack would you like to receive for free and why? What interests you about this pack and how would it enhance your ddo experience?

    I would love Vale of Twilight! This pack not only has an awesome set of quests, but it also has Green Steel! This is one of the best over all packs in the game, and it is one of the easiest to find groups for in my guild.

    2) Why would you owning this pack allow you to participate more thoroughly in the ddo community?

    One of the main reasons is that my dad runs it all the time, and it would be nice to be able to run it with him. This would make the game stay more fun for me in the later levels as well and keep me addicted.
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

  9. #9
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Feb 2012



    New Year's Contest

    1) Which pack would you like to receive for free and why? What interests you about this pack and how would it enhance your ddo experience?

    Other than the Epic packs in the underdark, I would think that Gianthold would be the pack of choice. I have the storm reach packs and the Reavers quest, but the one I am missing is Gianthold from the story line. I would like to find out what I am missing.

    2) Why would you owning this pack allow you to participate more thoroughly in the ddo community?

    There are not only tons of people running this quest all the time, but they talk about it. I would like for once to be in on the conversation!
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

  10. #10
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Default Announcement abour Additional Rewards

    As a guild, the Forever Knights seek to be great benefactors in the world of Orien. In addition to giving out the pack and a few other possible rewards, I may also mail some in-game rewards to other participants in this contest, such as dragonscales, relids, GS Mats, and maybe even named items that would be fitting to various characters. If you would like to possibly receive such rewards, just either on this thread or via PM let me know who your toons are on Orien, including their class, build concept, and level so that I can try to find something relevant for you. It might also be good to know if you own Gianthold or Vale of Twilight (some of you requested them, so not everyone does) as this will help me know whether or not dragonscales or GS mats are relevant if you are receiving in-game rewards as consolations prizes. Thanks and see you all in game!
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    I would like to start by thanking you for offering this boon to the players of DDO. If I were to win, I would choose the Gianthold pack, it has a great story arc and is useful for both heroic and epic leveling. It offers some great reward items along with a great deal of experience.
    Being a p2p person, it is the one pack that I would truly like to play that I have not been able to purchase yet on my own. Owning this pack will help me to level through a range that is partially lacking in free to play content.
    Thank-you for your consideration and generosity.

  12. #12
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    Default Entry for Giveaway

    On Orion, I am in the process of dusting off my Pale Master Mohawked Halfling named Errata and to helping rebuild my guild. I actually shelved DDO for a while, but was brought back to the fold having met some new friends that play. I am premium, with many but not all of the packs.

    I would like to receive for free Demon Sands. It is a popular pack for the people that I play with and with members of my guild, and looks like a popular choice on the LFMs. Plus it happens to be a good fit for my character.

    Thank you for doing this giveaway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leclaire1 View Post
    Hi all, fellow player Carrianne here. As a follow up to Olathural's VIP giveaway I have decided to do my own little giveaway. This could apply to any premium player who doesnt already own all packs, or even one who has an alternate account without all packs. If like myself you've gone VIP temporarily to take advantage of free hearts, I can award it to you once you go back to premium.

    Basically, on New Year's Day, I'll be giving away an adventure pack of choice (expansions excluded) to one premium or free player out there. As with Ola's VIP gift, you must be a player on Orien, not someone coming over to Orien to take advantage of the contest. For the entry, I'd like to hear the following on this thread (If you posted previously on the Christmas thread, no need to re-post here)-

    1) Which pack would you like to receive for free and why? What interests you about this pack and how would it enhance your ddo experience?

    2) Why would you owning this pack allow you to participate more thoroughly in the ddo community?

    I'll tip my hat as to my judging criterion and tell you that I am a pnp veteran who is more interested in lore and plot mechanics than, say wanting a pack simply because it has one coveted item, although such things are valid secondary considerations.

    I will award either by having the pack directly gifted to your account (which will at that time require a username) if customer service cooperates, or if I can't do this I'll just do it via a point code. Hoping to hear about the packs you want and why, and good luck to all!

  13. #13
    Community Member thalliwell's Avatar
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    Default What a generous offer!

    I am preparing to do my first TR on my account on my main toon, Vandaak. As I will need more xp in my second life, the pack I would most like to receive is Necropolis 4. I have none of the Necropolis packs, and this one, with the Orchard of the macabre, seems to be played a lot in the mid-high level range, and would also let me gain extra Silver Flame favor. Also, undead are just fun to blast!

    Owning this pack would allow me to play with many more groups, and hopefully continue to TR and become a much better player. Also, getting better gear at those levels would reduce my wimpy-ness, and I could become a much better addition to parties I join, as I almost exclusively PUG.

    Thank you for this opportunity, it's always great to see evidence of how good this game's community is.

  14. #14
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    Good luck to everyone, and thank you OP for being generous.
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  15. #15
    Community Member LeoLionxxx's Avatar
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    Smile Vale of Twilight

    Quote Originally Posted by Leclaire1 View Post
    Hi all, fellow player Carrianne here. As a follow up to Olathural's VIP giveaway I have decided to do my own little giveaway. This could apply to any premium player who doesnt already own all packs, or even one who has an alternate account without all packs. If like myself you've gone VIP temporarily to take advantage of free hearts, I can award it to you once you go back to premium.

    Basically, on New Year's Day, I'll be giving away an adventure pack of choice (expansions excluded) to one premium or free player out there. As with Ola's VIP gift, you must be a player on Orien, not someone coming over to Orien to take advantage of the contest. For the entry, I'd like to hear the following on this thread (If you posted previously on the Christmas thread, no need to re-post here)-

    1) Which pack would you like to receive for free and why? What interests you about this pack and how would it enhance your ddo experience?

    2) Why would you owning this pack allow you to participate more thoroughly in the ddo community?

    I'll tip my hat as to my judging criterion and tell you that I am a pnp veteran who is more interested in lore and plot mechanics than, say wanting a pack simply because it has one coveted item, although such things are valid secondary considerations.

    I will award either by having the pack directly gifted to your account (which will at that time require a username) if customer service cooperates, or if I can't do this I'll just do it via a point code. Hoping to hear about the packs you want and why, and good luck to all!
    For this, I would love to receive the Vale of Twilight pack. This is a pack that I have somewhat resigned myself to not getting anytime soon because of the high cost. thus far, I have only allowed myself to splurge on buying Turbine points via the expansions, but with none in sight for the coming year, I might be set to obtain one or two cheapy packs as a result of gaining favor on my 2 toons. Beside the monster Manuel entries and green-steel equipment I hear is all the rage, I'm told there are some very fun quests in the pack; Rainbow in the dark has me particularly interested with its no-light mechanic (I had some memorable fun on an EE run of Von III where I was blind for 10 minutes ). The Shroud is something I am particularly interested in trying out, for thus far I haven't been heavy on the raiding, but I would like to.

    One of the main things, however, is the story of the pack. I have the notion that it has something to do with the devil invasion, perhaps being a prequel to the Devils of Shaverath pack (?), a story that I have enjoyed so far. I am one to run through newly obtained quests on a high level toon at my own pace so as to drink in the rich stories that DDO produces with each update. I am myself a PnP DM, so I am always looking for new inspiration to my stories, something that DDO has helped me with a lot over the year.

    Edit: My two toons on Orien are LeoLionxxx and Lionfire, under the account name of LeoLionxxx.
    Last edited by LeoLionxxx; 12-31-2013 at 09:53 PM. Reason: Adding info.
    That's not lag, it's just DDO trying to become turn-based again.
    Feature wishlist: colour-coded HP bars; red/blue teams in raids; rez-timer in party menu

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  16. #16
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    You know me as Ungood.

    Anyway, what pack?

    I need dat pack
    and I cannot lie
    The other players can't deny
    When we want to go questing
    and a brother need to be guesting
    They get Sprung.

  17. 12-31-2013, 08:23 PM


  18. #17
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Feb 2012


    Hi all!

    Thanks for all the great entries and your participation in this. Soon I will be deliberating upon this and deciding upon a winner, most likely in consultation with some guildies, and possibly adding something random into the final decision (why not roll on a real life dice, I am a pnp vet after all. ) I will also be adding a second reward: a 500 TP card which Cordovan gave me to help with the cost. While an incredibly nice gesture, I figure I might as well just pay it forward a bit and add a second reward into the equation. Also, as stated before, I am happy to help people in-game with other loot. I've farmed a good amount of GS mats and Dragonscales with guildies over some time, and also have a bank toon full of various BTCoE named loot that may be of more use to someone else than to me. If you PM me the name of your major characters on Orien if I don't already know them (several of you have posted them and will receive stuff), I can try to help out by mailing you goodies in-game. Additionally, having the name of one major toon for each of you will help me in verifying that you play primarily on Orien. Thanks again, and good luck and Happy New Years to all!
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

  19. #18
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ungood View Post
    You know me as Ungood.

    Anyway, what pack?

    I need dat pack
    and I cannot lie
    The other players can't deny
    When we want to go questing
    and a brother need to be guesting
    They get Sprung.
    Haha. I also know you as Glane. You didn't mention a pack though. Are you talking about Katz's pack I assume? Or is there something you in particular want.
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

  20. #19
    Community Member
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    Default Demon sands

    i would like to get demon sands adventure pack because:

    1-it has heroic and epic part.
    2-it has an epic raid (i love raids).
    3-i would love to get the Torc for my caster.

    i have 2 characters on orien , level 21 bigmajd and level 15 flowerwind.

    this pack will help me to play epic levels and TR because there aren't many epic quests

  21. #20
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Default And the Winners are....

    Before I announce the winners of the New Year's Adventure Pack giveaway, I'd like to thank you all again for participation,. We had a lot of great entries, and I wish that I could help all of you get more packs! More packs means more of you running quests and more fun on the server, but I have a new baby here myself and so I'll only be able to help the two winners with getting packs this time. As stated before though, I have other goodies in-game which I can help with for those that want them, so feel free to PM me if there's anything I might be able to help you with.

    As for the main pack winner, it goes to LeoLionxxx, who will be receiving the Vale of Twilight pack. Congratulations! You had a great answer as to why you want this critical pack, and I am glad I can help you purchase it when you would not have been able to do so otherwise. I hope you enjoy doing some more raiding. Just do me a favor, when you run your first shroud, humor the veteran players and volunteer to help "get the extra chest that only first time shroud players can get." They'll know what you mean.

    As for the 500TP code which Cordovan gave me, I am giving it out as a merit award to an outstanding member of the Orien community. Katzklaw is a veteran player who is a pillar of our Orien community, and has given much to us all with her ddo-themed blog and interesting lolwut builds. She's also been a fun presence on titan channel raids and such. The code should be enough to cover Sentinels of Stormreach which you requested, especially with the current pack sale. Thanks again for all you do.

    I'll be PMing the winners with instructions on how to redeem your rewards, but thanks again to all of you for participating. Thanks also to Olathural, for inspiring and encouraging this contest, and to Cordovan for giving it support from on high. Blessings and a happy New Year to you all.
    Main- Carrianne Taliesin Elven Fighter 12/Ranger 6/Rogue 2 Tempest AA, Orien

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