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  1. #1
    Community Member bhaelrot's Avatar
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    Sep 2013

    Question Spells and Spell Power Types

    Where can I find a list or spreadsheet detailing the spell power type that each spell uses? I've poked about on these forums and the DDOWiki but haven't found anything. I play a cleric and many divine spells are self explanatory but some are confusing to me, such as Deific Vengeance - is it Force, because of the 'sharp spiritual blow?' Or Positive (since it does Good damage)? What about Contagion - Slimy Doom? Acid (that is the damage type) or Negative (because it is a disease)? Or neither? There are several cleric spells that are not clear what Spell Power type is used when calculating damage. Cometfall (force, fire?), the alignment smites, particularly Chaos Hammer and Order's Wrath, although even what would seem obvious about Holy/Unholy is not really all that obvious. The only reason I know that Blade Barrier is Force from reading various posts in these forums.

    Maybe spell power type is something the devs could include on the spell description at some point in the future.

    Anyway, I would be interested to discover and learn which spell power type is applied to each spell. Thanks!

  2. #2
    2014 DDO Players Council
    SirValentine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhaelrot View Post
    Where can I find a list or spreadsheet detailing the spell power type that each spell uses?
    Not that I know of. But this might be some help:

    If the spell tells you the damage type, that's all you need to know. Only a few spells don't mention it.

    Quote Originally Posted by bhaelrot View Post
    Deific Vengeance - is it Force, because of the 'sharp spiritual blow?' Or Positive (since it does Good damage)?
    Neither. It's "Good" damage, so it benefits from "Radiance" AKA "Light & Alignment" spell power (as do all of Evil, Chaos, Law, and Light damage). "Sharp spiritual blow" is just flavor text. Positive is healing.

    Quote Originally Posted by bhaelrot View Post
    What about Contagion - Slimy Doom? Acid (that is the damage type) or Negative (because it is a disease)?
    The spell just causes the disease. I don't think your spell power affects the damage the disease gives. But if it did, it would be your Acid spell power affecting Acid damage. Negative has nothing to do with disease or not...that's death-like energy, such as in Harm or Inflict spells.

    Quote Originally Posted by bhaelrot View Post
    Cometfall (force, fire?)
    The spell clearly states that it does Bludgeoning damage. Nothing about Fire. Any fiery appearance is purely visual. Bludgeoning is "Impulse" as are all of "Force, Un-typed, Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning".

    Quote Originally Posted by bhaelrot View Post
    the alignment smites, particularly Chaos Hammer and Order's Wrath, although even what would seem obvious about Holy/Unholy is not really all that obvious.
    As above, those are all Light/Alignment spell power.

  3. #3
    Community Member bhaelrot's Avatar
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    Ah ha. Thanks much, SirV.

    I studied the wiki a few times prior to posting but it seemed lacking in specifics. I totally missed the Light = alignment connection. Probably not the best term to capture the range. Speaking only for myself, associating any of the alignments except "good" with "light" is a stretch. "Spiritual" or "sacred" might be better. The rest of it I sorta figured out on my own. Like I said, there are a few spells that, to me, are ambiguous or contain multiple "types" within the spell effects language which make determining their spell power type confusing to me.

    Contagion, except for Slimy Doom, seems as though it ought to use Negative SP (if any at all) because of the _damage_ to ability scores. Typically this type of damage is ascribed to negative spell power. Harm/Inflict reduces hit points; Contagion (exc: Slimy Doom) reduces ability points. Lacking any other wording or phrasing to describe said effects, in my mind the logical conclusion is Negative Spell Power. Of course, looking at it objectively, who really cares? It is doubtful that the ability damage caused by the diseases can be increased to an amount exceeding the maximum die. Is such a result even desired? Is it impactful enough to be significant to increase an ability damage result of one to a result of 2, or a result of four to a result of 5 or 6? Would it really matter that much? Hard to say... hard to say. Diff'rent strokes an' all that, and I am not really interested in discussing it. My guess is Contagion, again possibly excepting Slimy Doom, does not use any spell power at all.

    Again, thanks a bunch, SirV.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhaelrot View Post
    Ah ha. Thanks much, SirV.

    I studied the wiki a few times prior to posting but it seemed lacking in specifics. I totally missed the Light = alignment connection. Probably not the best term to capture the range. Speaking only for myself, associating any of the alignments except "good" with "light" is a stretch. "Spiritual" or "sacred" might be better. The rest of it I sorta figured out on my own. Like I said, there are a few spells that, to me, are ambiguous or contain multiple "types" within the spell effects language which make determining their spell power type confusing to me.

    Contagion, except for Slimy Doom, seems as though it ought to use Negative SP (if any at all) because of the _damage_ to ability scores. Typically this type of damage is ascribed to negative spell power. Harm/Inflict reduces hit points; Contagion (exc: Slimy Doom) reduces ability points. Lacking any other wording or phrasing to describe said effects, in my mind the logical conclusion is Negative Spell Power. Of course, looking at it objectively, who really cares? It is doubtful that the ability damage caused by the diseases can be increased to an amount exceeding the maximum die. Is such a result even desired? Is it impactful enough to be significant to increase an ability damage result of one to a result of 2, or a result of four to a result of 5 or 6? Would it really matter that much? Hard to say... hard to say. Diff'rent strokes an' all that, and I am not really interested in discussing it. My guess is Contagion, again possibly excepting Slimy Doom, does not use any spell power at all.

    Again, thanks a bunch, SirV.
    The more important thing to know is that contagion isn't worth the spell slot or points to cast it. Once we accept that we won't be casting it it doesn't matter what affects it.

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