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Got my second ETR out of the way -- Overall, the loss of effective ranged damage was not terrible. There are a few quests that would have been easier with it, but none where it was absolutely required(well maybe EE Thrill of the Hunt). That being said I almost always am ina group -- If I was building the toon to solo content, I can't imagine not having the option to swap to a bow.
Biggest concern I have is being a bladeforged over fleshy. While the Recon SLA is good, and effective in 95%+ of situations.. there are times that lack of a meaningful (non-sp based) backup healing solution is painful (thinking of EE CitW). At the end of the day, for the few times that being a fleshy would have been advantageous, the bladeforged build is stronger in most content that I typically run.
Here is the current plan for my next 20-28 run with the build. I have decided to go with Weapon Attachment and only use Tenser's when really necessary. Primary reason for that is player laziness (I don't want to be reattaching my weapon all the time to cast Tenser’s). The extra damage from the Seeker and bonus to base damage more than makes up for the loss of 4 pts of str. Larger question will be is do I need to slot in Tactician to make up for my laziness or can I keep P-THF. Reflex saves are still lower than I would like, but I think I can live with them (just need to get better at dodging Ottolukes).
I do have level 21 and 25 gear swaps figured out as well if anyone is interested. As always feedback/suggestions are welcome.
Class Split: 12 Fighter / 6 Monk / 2 Pally
Race: Bladeforged
Str: 52/78-- (18 base + 5 tome +7 lvl +1 enh +1 GoTIB +10 Item +1 Profane +3 Insightful +2 ED +2 ship +2 Yugo/ + 2 Morale [Rage] +4 Alchemical [Tenser’s] +15 Insightful [Divine Might])
Dex: 24/28 -- (6 base + 5 tome + 9 item +1 GoTIB +1 profane +2 ship -2 stance +2 Yugo / + 4 Alchemical [Tenser’s])
Con: 40/46 -- (16 base +5 tome +1 enh +8 item +2 insight +1 GoTIB +1 profane +4 Stance +2 Ship / +2 Morale [Rage] +4 Alchemical [Tenser’s])
Int: 16 -- (8 base +4 tome +1 GoTIB +1 profane +2 ship)
Wis: 16 -- (7 base +5 tome +1 GoTIB +1 profane +2 ship)
Cha: 40 -- (17 base +5 tome +10 item +2 insight +1 GoTIB +1 profane +2 ship +2 Yugo)
Feats: Passive Past Life: Paladin x3, Fighter x3
ETR: Doublestrike x3
Base: WF: Slashing, Stunning Blow, Great Cleave, Improved Critical: Slashing, Greater Two-handed fighting, Master of Forms, Grandmaster of Forms, Overwhelming Critical, Epic Toughness, Epic PRR
Fighter: Cleave, Dodge, Weapon Specialization: Slashing, Improved Two-Handed Fighting, Greater WF: Slashing, Greater WS: Slashing
Monk: Power Attack, Two-handed Fighting, Fists of Light, Toughness
Destiny: Perfect Two-Handed Fighting or Tactician, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting
Paladin: Knight of the Chalice (7 ap): Hunter of the Dead (1), Extra Turning III (3), Extra Smite (1), Divine Might I (2)
Fighter: Kensai (35ap): Kensai Focus (1), Spiritual Bond (1), Strike with No Thought (1), Power Surge (1), Weapon Specialization IV (8), Action Boost: Haste III (3), Extra Action Boost III (6), Tactics III (6), Weapon Meditation (2), Shattering Strike (1), Deadly Strike (1), Keen Edge (1), One with the Blade (1), Str I (2)
Monk Ninja Spy (13 ap): Ninja Training (2), Shadow Veil (1), Sneak Attack Training I (2), Acrobatic II (2), Elemental Ki: Fist of Iron (2), Agility II (2), Sting of the Ninja (2)
Blade Forged (25 ap): Improved Fortification II (2), WF Con I (2), Repair Systems I (2), WF: Tactics III (3), Fearsome Presence (1), Power of the Forge (1), Communion of Scribing III (6), Weapon Attachment (1), Communion of Handling (1), Improved Power Attack III (6)
Core Stats:
Fortification: 190%
HP: 923 Standing / 1007 Boosted / 1055 Yugo – (188 levels +80 epic +406/532 con +25 heroic +10 draconic +45 False Life +15 auto grants +78 feats +50 LD / +48 Yugo)
Double Strike: 27% (8% Item + 5% Perfect TWF + 3% Draconic Ferocity +2% Kensi +9% Epic PL)
Stunning Blow DC: 74 /76 – (10 base + 32/34 Str +5 exc combat mastery +10 stunning +3 Kensi +3 WF +6 tactics +3 Ftr PL +2 Shaken)
Trip DC: 79 / 81 (Epic Blademark)
Repair Spell Power: 209 (138 Devotion + 30 Implement +38 heal skill)
Reconstruct SLA: 510 HP
Dodge: 19% - (8% Item + 6% Flurry + 2% Acrobatic +3% Feat)
PRR: 41 (15 Master Earth + 16 Augment +10 Epic PRR)
Miss Chance: 57%/73% = 20/50% Concealment (Blur/Displacement) * 25% Incorporeal * 27% dodge (Blitzing)
UMD: 42 -- (5 ranks +8 epic +14 Cha +1 tome +3 competence +2 luck +4 morale +1 profane +1 ship)
Fort: 71/79 – (16 base +4 epic +16/18 con +4 morale +10 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 Ship +2 Aura of Good +15 Divine Grace / +2 Fire finisher +4 Power of the forge)
Ref: 57/65 – (9 base +4 epic +7/9 dex +4 morale +10 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 Ship +2 Agility +2 Aura of Good +15 Divine Grace / +2 fire finisher +4 Power of the forge)
Will: 59/65 – (9 base +4 epic +15 cha +4 morale +10 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 Ship +2 Aura of Good +15 Divine Grace -4 Yugo / +2 fire finisher +4 Power of the forge)
Epic Destiny – Legendary Dreadnought:
Legendary Tactics (3), Extra Action Boost (3), Momentum Swing (3), Improved Power Attack (2), Lay Waste (2), Attack Boost (1), Strength II (4), Advancing Blows (2), Devastating Critical (2), Masters Blitz (2)
Twists: Fury: Sense Weakness (4) or Meld to Darkness (3), US: Bane of Undeath (1), Grandmaster: Dance of Flowers (1)
Epic Destiny – Fury
Primal Scream (3), Tunnel Vision (1), Str II (4), Acute Instincts (3), Damage Reduction (3), Overwhelming Force (3), Sense Weakness (3), Fury Eternal (2), Unbridled Fury (2)
Twists: LD: Legendary Tactics (1), US: Bane of Undeath (1), Grandmaster: Dance of Flowers (1)
Trinket: Litany (Eldrich Saves Ritual) / PLIS
Head: Black dragon +3 iStr, (Green: 250 SP, Yellow: GoTIB)
Neck: Deadly 10 / Verik’s mjm
Goggles: Charisma 10, Resistance 10
Bracers: Skirmishers (+9 Dex, +8 Double Strike)
Body: Black Dragon (Blue: Heavy Fort) / Epic Blademark Docent
Cloak: Cloak of the Wolf / RAD II 150 SP
Ring: EE Consuming Darkness (Green: 16 PRR)
Ring: Seal of Dun’Ro’Bar +2 iCon, Stunning 10
Boots: EE Goatskins Fortification 115% (Green: Good luck Colorless: +2 iCha)
Gloves: EE Backstabers (Yellow: Con 8)
Belt: Ogre Power 10 False Life 45
Weapons: eSoS (Colorless: +11 Repair, Red: Reconstruction 138),