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I am about to TR into a Melee only version of this myself. The build is not tested and there will likely be changes as I level but here is my current plan. Reflex save is a bit low, fortification might be more than is needed -- if I dropped that down to 165% I could likely slot in 2 more points of str. Suggestions and comments welcome.
Class Split: 12 Fighter / 6 Monk / 2 Pally
Race: Bladeforged
Str: 48/76-- (18 base + 5 tome +7 lvl +1 GoTIB +10 Item +1 Profane +2 ED +2 ship +2 Yugo / + 2 rage +8 Psionic +4 tenser +14 Divine Might)
Dex: 26 / 30 -- (8 base + 5 tome + 9 item +1 GoTIB +2 insight +1 profane +2 ship -2 stance / + 4 tenser)
Con: 40/46 -- (16 base +5 tome +1 enh +8 item +3 insight +1 GoTIB +1 profane +3 Stance +2 Ship / +2 rage +4 tenser)
Int: 17 -- (9 base +4 tome +1 GoTIB +1 profane +2 ship)
Wis: 15 -- (6 base +5 tome +1 GoTIB +1 profane +2 ship)
Cha: 38 -- (17 base +5 tome +10 item +2 insight +1 GoTIB +1 profane +2 ship)
Feats: Passive Past Life: Paladin x3, Fighter x3
ETR: Doublestrike x3
Base: WF: Slashing (1), Stunning Blow (3), Great Cleave (6), Improved Critical: Slashing (9), Greater Two-handed fighting (12), Master of Forms (15), Force of personality (18), Overwhelming Critical (21), Epic Toughness (24), Epic PRR (27),
Fighter: Cleave (3), Toughness (4), Weapon Specialization: Slashing (6), Improved Two-Handed Fighting (9), Greater WF: Slashing (11), Improved Sunder (14), Power Critical (20)
Monk: Power Attack (2), Two-handed Fighting (7), Fists of Light (15), Deflect Arrow (19)
Destiny: Perfect Two-Handed Fighting (26), Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting (28)
Paladin: Knight of the Chalice (9 ap): Hunter of the Dead (1), Extra Turning III (3), Extra Smite (1), Divine Might II (4),
Fighter: Kensai (33ap): Kensai Focus (1), Weapon Specialization IV (8), Action Boost: Haste III (3), Spiritual Bond (1), Weapon Meditation (2), Shattering Strike (1), Deadly Strike (1), Strike with No Thought (1), Keen Edge (1), One with the Blade (1), Extra Action Boost III (6), Tactics (6), Power Surge (1)
Monk Ninja Spy (13 ap): Ninja Training (2), Shadow Veil (1), Sneak Attack Training I (2), Acrobatic II (2), Elemental Ki: Fist of Iron (2), Agility II (2), Sting of the Ninja (2)
BladeForged (25 ap): Improved Fortification II (2), Repair Systems II (4), WF: Tactics III (3), Fearsome Presence (1), Power of the Forge (1), Communion of Scribing III (6), Improved Power Attack III (6), Con I (2)
Core Stats:
Fortification: 190%
HP: 913 Standing / 997 Boosted / 1045 Yugo – (188 levels +80 epic +406/532 con +25 heroic +10 draconic +45 False Life +15 auto grants +78 feats +50 LD / +48 Yugo)
Double Strike: 27% (8% Item + 5% Perfect TWF + 3% Draconic Ferocity +2% Kensi +9 Epic PL)
Stunning Blow DC: 75 (77) – (10 base + 34 Str +5 exc combat mastery +10 stunning +3 Kensi +3 WF +6 tactics +3 Ftr PL +2 Shaken /+2 sundering)
Repair Spell Power: 209 (138 Devotion + 30 Implement +38 Repair skill)
Reconstruct SLA: 510 HP
Dodge: 15% - (8% Item + 6% Flurry + 2% Acrobatic)
PRR: 38 (12 Master Earth + 16 Augment +10 Epic PRR)
Miss Chance: 57%/73% = 20/50% Concealment (Blur/Displacement) * 25% Incorporeal * 27% dodge (Blitzing)
UMD: 42 -- (5 ranks +8 epic +14 Cha +1 tome +3 competence +2 luck +4 morale +1 profane +1 ship)
Fort: 70/78 – (16 base +4 epic +19 con +4 morale +10 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 Ship +2 Aura of Good +14 Divine Grace +2 Fire finisher +4 Power of the forge)
Ref: 57/65 – (9 base +4 epic +12 dex +4 morale +10 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 Ship +2 Agility +2 Aura of Good +14 Divine Grace +2 fire finisher +4 Power of the forge)
Will: 57/63 – (9 base +4 epic +14 Cha +4 morale +10 resistance +2 luck +1 competence +1 Ship +2 Aura of Good +14 Divine Grace +2 fire finisher +4 Power of the forge)
Epic Destiny – Legendary Dreadnought:
Legendary Tactics (3), Extra Action Boost (3), Momentum Swing (3), Improved Power Attack (2), Lay Waste (2), Attack Boost (1), Strength II (4), Advancing Blows (2), Devastating Critical (2), Masters Blitz (2)
Twists: Fury: Sense Weakness (4), US: Bane of Undeath (1), Grandmaster: Dance of Flowers (1)