Hello, after coming back to the game just after the AP conversion, and playing around with a gimp build... or two, my guild leader(or guild officer at any rate) convinced me to build an uber toon for getting gear from EE content. And gave me the website adress for this forum. This really gimp toon I'm playing got 2 of the Raider boxes and being the impatent sort that i am, I just grabed TWO 'Tinah, Sword of the Sea' from them, to use when she got to level 23. She only has 1 fighter(soon to be 2) past lives and I will be epic tr'ing her and then Iconic heroic tr'ing her into the Cetus Bladeforged build.
I do not have much time to play, 1-2 hours/day and only Sunday off. On the up side I have no life and game when i can :P So grinding for an eSoS or Antique Axe will take some time.
My question is: Since I already have 2 of those longswords (Tinah) would going 2-Wep. fighting instead of 2-hand fighting work with this build as I have little time for grinding?
PLEESE NOTE!: When I do get an eSOS/Anteque Axe I will be switcing to 2-Hand. Fighting
Sorry for the rambling post. You can blame Bosleysbacon on the Cannith server
EDIT: I put in the names of the swords i got and guess I should sum up what I rreally want to know
Will using 2-Hand. Fightin with 2 Tinah's: 2.5(1d10)/x2 crit:19-20 (base damage,mult,and crit) still be ubber enough for soloing, or at least kicking ass with friends in EE content?