Keeping it short and sweet:
36 point build/26 past lives
PDK/Lawful Neutral
Good points:
Good saves
Good Dps
Good dc's
Great self healing
Bad points:
Level split:
16 monk(heal curse/quivering palm/Improved evasion/stance feats)2 fighter(+3 dc from enhancements/2 feats)2 cleric(10 prr/divine might)
Level order:
Personal preference, however i would say get the monk levels in as soon as you can and take the last fighter level last in the event you miss a feat out.
- starting stats:
-Str 14 - +4 tome
-Dex 13 - +5 tome
-Con 12 - +5 tome
-Int 8 - +3 tome
-Wis 18 - +5 tome - Max this from level ups
-Cha 13 - +4 tome
Feats: (heroic)
Power attack
Stunning fist
Two weapon fighting
Past life monk
Grandmaster of forms
Improved critical bludgeoning
Improved two weapon fighting
Weapon focus bludgeoning
Power critical
Blinding speed
Improved martial arts
Racial tree - Core- Damage boost/wisdom t1- Heal amp/Action surge wisdom x3 t2 -Action surge strength x2/Ambidexterity x1
Kensei - Core- Martial arts t1- Martial arts/Haste boost x3 t2- Tactics x3/Martial arts
Shintao - Core- Take all the core enhancements up to and including Argent fist t1- Deft strikes x3/Exemplar x1 t2- Smite tainted creature/Iron skin x3/Conditioning t3- Jade strike/wisdom t4- Tomb of jade/instinctive defense x3/Wisdom t5- All but rise of the phoenix.
Warpriest - Core Smite foe t1- Divine might x3/toughness x1 t2- Wall of steel
Gear is one of those things that changes all of the time. You want to focus your gear to have the highest wisdom possible. Yet to include dodge/hp/charisma/strength/resistance/Fortification/prr. There are many different gear set up's to achieve this. I'll let you figure that part out yourself.
Key Notes:
-Use earth stance all the time, if you figure you just don't have the stun dc for some reason hop into water stance every now and then.
-Have displace clickies!
Epic Destiny:
It's a dc based build which means Gmof is the best to stun/QP.
Points are to be spent in the following:
-Wisdom x6/ Everything is nothing/Standing with stone/A dance of flowers/enlightenment/perfect balance(only one point into this)
Cocoon/Legendary Tactics/Improved power attack/Sense weakness are all good choices, swap them around until you find the best mix.