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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Recommend build, please?

    Hi, i am trying to return to DDO for the first time since U11, maybe U12 (I remember Artificers were new). I am feeling extremely lost at L20 and not knowing where and which content to try and tackle, but first things first, I've read that TWF is all but obsolete for my 18PAL/2<MNK build that i was using. I would like a recommendation on how to proceed with a rebuild. I do prefer melee, and self healing is always nice. I'm not against going VIP. won't be able to work with anything super gear dependent as I have minII GS long sword and a litII GS Khopesh, conop googles and smoke cloak are about the best of the rest of my gear, Lorinthor's KotC set, and a bunch of lower level named items like Minos Legens and Levik's bracers. pretty much junk at this point, i know. I do have the two raider's boxes, a +20LR heart and a TR heart.

    I have browsed for a couple of days, but it is hard to sift through all the stuff that is super old and no longer valid. the one that catches my eye currently is the Juggernaut. i'd definitely TR to WF and 34pt build for that as my little elf is pretty fragile and not really decent DPS.

    any other melee recommendations are welcome! any tips on how to decipher all these new rules and terms would be helpful as well. DDOWiki doesn't seem like it holds much info that i can digest. thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RPGMasta View Post
    Hi, i am trying to return to DDO for the first time since U11, maybe U12 (I remember Artificers were new). I am feeling extremely lost at L20 and not knowing where and which content to try and tackle, but first things first, I've read that TWF is all but obsolete for my 18PAL/2<MNK build that i was using. I would like a recommendation on how to proceed with a rebuild. I do prefer melee, and self healing is always nice. I'm not against going VIP. won't be able to work with anything super gear dependent as I have minII GS long sword and a litII GS Khopesh, conop googles and smoke cloak are about the best of the rest of my gear, Lorinthor's KotC set, and a bunch of lower level named items like Minos Legens and Levik's bracers. pretty much junk at this point, i know. I do have the two raider's boxes, a +20LR heart and a TR heart.

    I have browsed for a couple of days, but it is hard to sift through all the stuff that is super old and no longer valid. the one that catches my eye currently is the Juggernaut. i'd definitely TR to WF and 34pt build for that as my little elf is pretty fragile and not really decent DPS.

    any other melee recommendations are welcome! any tips on how to decipher all these new rules and terms would be helpful as well. DDOWiki doesn't seem like it holds much info that i can digest. thanks in advance.
    First, Welcome back!

    Second - Several Juggernaut builds out there.

    The current one is the Arty version. Something like 18 Arty 2 Pal. Seen it in action and it does rock.

    Finally, remember the more things change, the more they stay the same. Its' like riding a bicycle.

    ?Have fun storming the castle!

  3. #3
    Community Member Jeromio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RPGMasta View Post
    Hi, i am trying to return to DDO for the first time since U11, maybe U12 (I remember Artificers were new). I am feeling extremely lost at L20 and not knowing where and which content to try and tackle, but first things first, I've read that TWF is all but obsolete for my 18PAL/2<MNK build that i was using. I would like a recommendation on how to proceed with a rebuild. I do prefer melee, and self healing is always nice. I'm not against going VIP. won't be able to work with anything super gear dependent as I have minII GS long sword and a litII GS Khopesh, conop googles and smoke cloak are about the best of the rest of my gear, Lorinthor's KotC set, and a bunch of lower level named items like Minos Legens and Levik's bracers. pretty much junk at this point, i know. I do have the two raider's boxes, a +20LR heart and a TR heart.

    I have browsed for a couple of days, but it is hard to sift through all the stuff that is super old and no longer valid. the one that catches my eye currently is the Juggernaut. i'd definitely TR to WF and 34pt build for that as my little elf is pretty fragile and not really decent DPS.

    any other melee recommendations are welcome! any tips on how to decipher all these new rules and terms would be helpful as well. DDOWiki doesn't seem like it holds much info that i can digest. thanks in advance.
    Welcome back!

    Juggernaut is a very fun concept. I played one recently as 16 Arty/2 Monk/2 Ranger. Decent DPS along with trapping, evasion and self healing makes it very versatile and can be used for solo epic elites.

    Now I've TRd him into a PDK Fighter 12/Monk 6/Ranger 2... being centred with Cleaver, evasion, shadow veil, power surge, speed and damage boost active at the same time, multishot and 10K stars... mixing ranged with melee. DPS is better than the Juggernaut, but at the cost of self-healing (rely only on heal scrolls, pots and cocoon) and trapping.

    In general (IMO) the FTM builds at the moment seems to be Monkchers, centred monk melee builds (Kensai enh tree, One with the Blade) with different class distributions, Juggernauts and Shiradi casters. You'll find plenty of threads about these type of builds in the class forums.
    Proud officer of Spellbinders:

  4. #4
    The Hatchery zwiebelring's Avatar
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    Which all depend on high end gear. Most ranged burst dps builds stand and fall with Pinion. Depending on your goals in DDO, you should compare twink items and curent endgame gear.
    Characters on Orien:
    Wanzer/ Klingtanz/ Incanta Superior/ Mercantus

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by zwiebelring View Post
    Which all depend on high end gear. Most ranged burst dps builds stand and fall with Pinion. Depending on your goals in DDO, you should compare twink items and curent endgame gear.
    yes, i do have lower end gear, so i try to read the other forums with builds that state they need a 36pt build or higher end gear and put those on the back burner.

    I do appreciate all the replies so far, thank you all greatly.

  6. #6
    Community Member Jeromio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RPGMasta View Post
    yes, i do have lower end gear, so i try to read the other forums with builds that state they need a 36pt build or higher end gear and put those on the back burner.

    I do appreciate all the replies so far, thank you all greatly.
    There is some decent gear you can get for comm turn-ins in Eveningstar. Since you already have two raider's boxes, you can complement with two good weapons of your choice, for use at lvl 23. Other stuff you can get from random loot drops, AH etc on your way to lvl 28.

    I think that the problem might be more to get all the base stats you need to get all feats you want. It's much easier to fit in everything with a 36 point build and a full set of +5 tomes. Getting all the gear is part of the journey IMO.
    Proud officer of Spellbinders:

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