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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default my PC just gets stuck, help please

    [UPDATES on posts #6, #7, #10]


    my PC just keeps on getting stuck, and only a cold-reboot "works". What i mean is: my mouse and keyboard become unresponsive, and my screen and sound freeze.

    The 1st time i encountered this problem was 10 days ago, and i reported it here:

    Since then, i've been trying to solve it, but it's getting worse and worse.

    What i've done/checked is:

    * Checked for viruses - none found
    * Checked for malware - found one infected file, don't remember details, but seemed to be unimportant
    * Checked the status of my HDD (NTFS) - no need for defragmentation, and it has about 58 free GBs (2 partitions, 25 and 33 free space)
    * Opened up the PC-case and cleaned it up - it had gathered lots of dust, especially on and around the fans - cleaned the main cooler (on top of the processors) better a 2nd time.
    * Installed updated drivers to everything a free program i used found to have outdated drivers.

    It's gotten to the point where (today) it got stuck after 8 hours of it being turned off, and i only browsed the DDO forums briefly (only Chrome running on my PC apart from various start-up programs). It got stuck twice while i was trying to respond to a personal message.
    * After the above happened the first time, i removed the side and front covers of my tower-case in order to be better cooled (in case this was caused by overheating) and it got stuck again shorty afterwards.
    It's been running for much more time now, and i've opened more Chrome pages, and it hasn't gotten stuck yet, so i don't think overheating is the problem.

    I spend most of my pc-time on DDO these days, and it's also happened while in-DDO, but not on the char selection screen, and the majority of these times i was on the guild-ship when it happened.

    It's also happened one time when i was just listening to an album on Youtube and doing some house-work.

    I've got an old Dual Core PC, 6400 (just a bit over-clocked) @ 2.13GHz, running Windows XP SP3, and 2GB RAM. I also have the Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT with 512 MBs.

    I'll add more info if needed.

    Thanks in advance for any help/tips/advice.
    Last edited by Grecan; 12-26-2013 at 11:06 AM.
    If i haven't responded to your post, it doesn't necessarily mean that i don't have counter-arguments, it might simply mean that i don't want to keep feeding the trolls.
    Plastic People
    Hey! Hey!

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