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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Requesting Build for 36 point Wizard / Rog

    I'm a pretty seasoned player and have acquired some decent gear throughout 2 past wizard lives, both were P.M. WF's.
    I'm wanting a little advice and then maybe a build to maximize the past lives of Wizard. I think I'd like to be Drow ( but not necessary ) and be able to get traps at least up to 18th-20th range if possible but without doing too much sacrificing on the wizard side, and would a P.M. or an A.M. be best suited for this type of build. Or should I hold out and go pure again for the cap stone enhancement to be more effective past 20th?

    I've heard of a Shadow Mage build, but I don't know if it's a pure build or a splash of some kind, or if the build is a note worthy trap smith.

    Thanks for reading and any advice or builds posted will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEMYAZA366 View Post
    I'm a pretty seasoned player and have acquired some decent gear throughout 2 past wizard lives, both were P.M. WF's.
    I'm wanting a little advice and then maybe a build to maximize the past lives of Wizard. I think I'd like to be Drow ( but not necessary ) and be able to get traps at least up to 18th-20th range if possible but without doing too much sacrificing on the wizard side, and would a P.M. or an A.M. be best suited for this type of build. Or should I hold out and go pure again for the cap stone enhancement to be more effective past 20th?

    I've heard of a Shadow Mage build, but I don't know if it's a pure build or a splash of some kind, or if the build is a note worthy trap smith.

    Thanks for reading and any advice or builds posted will be greatly appreciated.
    Ghoste's Shadowmage is an old (and very cool out of the box designed) 28pt pure wf wiz, still lots of useful information to look over.

    Really you just need 1 rog/arti level to do any traps. Being what I assume is a DC caster, you will want to max out Int, therefore further improving trapskills.

    2 Rogue nets evasion and a few more skill points. Typically you would take 1st level as Rogue, 2-8 as Wiz, 9 as Rogue, rest as Wiz. This gives you firewall at 8, evasion at 9.

    The new enhancements open up a lot of options, best that you read over what you can get, and what you need to sacrifice.

    Palemasters still rock for DC necro/enchantment casting, easy self healing, Drow/Elf/HElf/Human all do well here but you could be anything. A WF PM gives secondary healing out of form.
    WF Archmage is pretty comparable, not much stops a self-reconstructing robot of doom

    Eldritch Knight is a different kettle of fish, and may not be what you are wanting.

    There is also the multiclassing mutant FOTM options, 14wiz/4fvs/2rog, archmage evoker relying mostly on fire & force could be fun.

    I will always try to build a toon to be as self sufficient as possible, even sometimes to the detriment of other aspects because I solo a lot - last man standing in groups (or ...ironically, the first to die, storys for another time).

    It is your toon. Have a read what is available, listen to others, and choose what you would be comfortable with.

  3. #3
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    If you have sun elf, that's also a good racial choice for an 18 wizard/2 rogue.

    You can start at 20 Int like a drow, and get some very handy racial enhancements like elven arcanum, feywild tap and the ability to take racial boosts to intelligence. The downsides are it's a p2p race, you would have to LR out one level of cleric, and you can't TR again until you hit 28.

    I have an alt with this build who is currently a mixture of enough PM for self healing and AM for other goodies. He does well as a DC caster in easier stuff (EH and below) without a huge gear, feat or past life investment, and in EE I content I run in shiradi instead using the evocation SLAs, and acid/solid fog.

    I hope that this helps, and good luck with it.


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