All are invited to Madness so we invite all to Madness
It is our belief that the whole point of being in a guild is to find friends and help if you need it.
We are looking for active people all levels/class. For invites contact Armithist by in game mail, reply here, or pm me.
This guild is good for people who are new to the game and people who don't mind helping them. We have HARD CORE and NOT SO HARD CORE players. It's really just a guild for everyone who wants to have fun.
We are a LvL 17 guild that has members from LvL 1 to LvL 11. We have 36 members and 19 of them are active day and night.
We have ONLY 1 RULE. You MUST NOT GO 3 WEEKS WITHOUT LOGGING IN. We make no other demands on our members and will not.
We will not make you jump through hoops to be a member you just half to want to Play and Have FUN !!!