Spiffy title eh?
Well, I set out to create a hard hitting, full plate wearing, self-buffing one man melee. I have chosen to do this by leveraging the power in the newly fixed and/or created shield feats/enhancements/epic destinies. This is NOT a tank and should not be thought of as one. It is an offensive build that uses the shield as a weapon.
Summary: This build can be used at any point total and any number of tomes but becomes MUCH stronger with more points/tomes as you leverage nearly every stat. This build will be using 36 points with +5 tomes. Only minor adjustments need to be made if you have less than this.
Race: Dwarf
Classes: Artificer 16 / Fighter 2 / Paladin 2
HP: 625 without items = 1000 with
Saves: Low 60's for reflex, low 70's for Fort and Will
Armor: 100
Dodge: 5-10% (More on this later)
PRR: 87-95 depending on the ring you use
Doublestrike: 31%
Str: 16 - 30
Dex: 12 - 17
Con: 14 - 19
Int: 15 - 20
Wis: 8 - 13 (dump stat)
Cha: 14 - 19
blarg it ate my pictures:
24 Dwarf
31 BE
9 KotC
8 ScD (for dodge bonus)
8 StD (bonus dodge and shield striking)
*more later!*
Open Lock
Disable Device
Feats: 18 Feat choices - Full Two Handed, full Shield feats
2xPast Life (Pick whatever you've got)
Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave
Improved Shield Bash, Shield Mastery, Improved Shield Mastery
Two Handed Fighting, Improved Two Handed Fighting, Greater Two Handed Fighting
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot,
Quicken Spell, Construct Essence
Overwhelming Critical, Blinding Speed, Elusive, Epic Two weapon fighting
Spells of Note:
Deadly Weapons, Tenser's, Armor of Speed, Lucky Cape, Stoneskin, Protection from Elements
Epic Destiny:
Legendary Dreadnaught: All expected choices here, with Headmans chop.
Bane of Undeath
Legendary Shield Mastery
Total miss chance with displacement clicky and 5% dodge: 62%
AC in EH: Good enough for some miss chance (not included above).
AC in EE: Does nothing: 0% improvement to dodge (as seen above).
PRR:87 or 38% damage reduction + 10 flat for stoneskin
Saves: From low 60's to low 70's.
Strength: 60 with Yugo pots and Rage
Bonuses to flat damage from Enhancements: 11
Deadly bonus: 11
Bonuses to Weapon dice: +3 (Deadly Weapons, BE tier 5, LD Power attack, LD Capstone)
Increases to Crit: +3 (Overwhelming, Dev and Headmans)
Weapon: Dreugar Waraxe 3[1d10] + 6 17-18x3 19-20x6
Shield: Madstone Aegis 2[2d10] + 8
Why did I pick a shield?
I picked shield for 3 primary reasons. Shields give +15% doublestrike, with Madstone has a 55% chance to proc on 3 attacks per chain and they allow for Glancing Blows with a D. Axe. This gives an enormous boast to DPS as shields have a number of bonuses over two weapons.
Shields give full strength bonus, can be attached via BE and take full advantage of Power attack. Madstone Aegis also has one of the HIGHEST base damages in the game.
So, the question you're probably curious about
: How could shield POSSIBLY give more DPS than 2 weapons? I'm going to go through it but it basically amounts to this:
Shield damage*0.44 + Glancing Blow damage*3 then /4 + Total Weapon Damage per swing*0.15.
That is what the shield is offering for damage per swing, and oh boy, is it a lot.
** More to come! ** (This takes a while!