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Oh well hello again fellow Sarlonians.
I know that you all have been waking up in tears every day wondering when Juggles might one day return to the game. Well you can all now swiftly wipe those tears from your faces for I are returned! Took me a day or two to read up on the wiki about all these changes since I've been gone for a few months and hadn't played the cap raise or anything past it. I must say I very much am impressed with not only improved game performance, but the added epic TR'ing and the PL's involved. Also very much agree and love the new quest xp.
I am pretty good at calling changes in DDO before they happen. Everyone laughed when I used to talk about how one day they'll have a Raid Reset timer in the DDO store one day, and so on. And I figured/hoped they would implement a new way of questing for xp without completely "killing" the quest permanently once you hit -90%. This change is soo great on soo many levels. It gives people the chance to play a lot of the quests we loved that became worthless and promotes more grouping with players and such. Well done Turbine!
Otherwise, I've managed to hit 27 so far and am preparing my toon for his first Epic TR with many more to come. So much more I would want to praise as far as these changes, but I haven't even dived into the new content yet as I've been enjoying some throwback quests again like the Vons and all. A couple things I would suggest that I've seen so far and not sure if people have been "complaining" of them yet...but as far as chests are concerned, I did notice you can opt for a re-roll at the bottom, which is quite near the Loot All button. I haven't tried it, so I'm not sure if it allows you to Confirm doing so in a pop-up box before you press it or not, but if not, I would suggest adding that or just put it on the top of the loot list when you open the chest instead of the bottom right by the loot all for the people that usually click that. Otherwise, it's after 5am as I post this and can't really think of any of the other small things I stumbled upon.
Anyways, I do want to take some time just to reflect on my DDO days because as I came back from my break this time around I couldn't help but to think how much this game has grown. I remember the days of the Aundair server and the level cap being 10. VON5 was the only raid other than Tempest Spine and Titan was the next BIG release. And I remember being in that raid with my guild, all of us that low of level, and making it finally to the actual Titan fight. No one knew what to expect or think or how to approach the fight as it had literally JUST came out. So of course we took the regular blind gamers' approach and just bomb rushed him. We lived for about 30 seconds or so and then annihilation. That was one of my earlier memories of DDO and such a good one too. Figuring out new content, applying strategy, and after a while you learn and adapt those newfound techniques to future quests and raids. I reflect on my DDO days of being the noob, progressing into the guy who thought he knew more than he did about DDO noob, to the zerger but still noob and dying and screwing up the whole party, all the way to an elitist who actually knew a few things, then to an elitist zerger that would just run ahead in any and every quest and finish it (sometimes before everyone in the party loaded in) and then eventually to an all-around experienced vet. And down the road, after the heavy duty zerging on every single quest, I learned to slow it down a bit and really enjoy the gameplay experience. Yes of course there's time for zerging hardcore and I can pull that out when I want to. But I realized looking back especially when I would lead parties and absolutely YELL at noobs in the group that were just fruiting everything up that I was there once and I would have been just so embarrassed if I were that person. Sure I can still scold someone, but in a more kind way.
When DDO went F2P there was mixed emotions. I liked the idea then, and I love it now. Not only can you still dabble around if you feel like taking a break but still want to do certain things or even keep up with your guild, but it opened up this amazing game to the world so even more people could see what they were missing. Sure I've ragequit the game and deleted my characters only to wake up several hours later realizing the severity of my actions, and perhaps even complained about certain aspects of the game in general. But there's no disputing that to me, DDO is and was a huge part of my life. And no matter what HUGE or AWESOME new MMO that comes out that might pull me away from here for a bit, I know that (as long as I don't delete my characters) DDO will be waiting for me when all that hype settles down. It's the game for me, above all others. The perfect blend of strategy, glory, friendship, questing, raiding, puzzle solving, and character customization. A grind at times sure, but casual when you want it to be, and hardcore when you want it to be as well. Anyways, I thought I would just share some of my thoughts and now I'm scrolling through realizing how much of a tangent this went on haha.
Back to the original point, Juggles is back!
**P.S. I remembered a bug that I've always wanted to post and hope to fix, but never do. Not sure how many people actually notice this or care since it is small anyways...but the Wolf Whistle...the summoned Epic Hound's fear aura effects the player as well as the monsters. Not sure if that's WAI, but I assume it's not. It's been like that for a loong time. Yeah I save against it 99% of the time, but there's still that 1% hah. What can I say, I like to solo from time to time and enjoy a loyal and actually pretty helpful dog companion. Though by now, I don't think I should be in constant "fear" of him being around as much as I've used him.