So yeah a friend of my wanted to be a tank and nothing but a tank so I stared working on it,about halfway through I discovered a similar build called
"Celcia" except it was a Half-Elf and someone actually mentioned making a Dwarf version...anyways reading this build did help me finish the build off so I had to give credit where credit is due.
I originally had a bunch of the weapon spec and the like feats but honestly between Dwarf and Stalwart your already starving for AP without bringing Kensai into the mix.
This build is a beast it will be running around with a massive HP bar (I'm guesstimating about 2500HP maybe even 3000+ with good enough gear) it makes heavy use of the dwarf enhancement "Throw your weight around" and only has a meager Str for to-hit reason and carrying capacity (lots of heavy armor and tower shields to carry around)
Now this build will be grouping with a
Halfling Daggermaster who will very much appreciate the massive wall between him and the mobs and with do some stabby stabby to help out the dwarven fortress as well as off-healing with UMD and Halfling DM but this is for a static duo so will either have 2 cleric hirelings or a raid healer around so self-healing is a non-issue
Whilst its DPS won't be fantastic both Dwarf and SD grant a bunch of bonuses to DPS as well as the doublestrike stuff from SM/ISM will give him (or her) more than enough damage (see threat) to hold aggro so the rogue can stabbity stabbity the mobs to death.
Dwarven Fighter 20 (Axes,Picks or Hammers & Tower Shield)
Str 12 (Needs +1 by Lvl 12)
Dex 12 (Needs +1 by Lvl X)
Con 20 (Lvl-ups here)
Int 14
Wis 8
Cha 6
Skill: Intim, Jump, Balance, UMD
1 Dragonmark
1F Combat Expertise
3 SF: Intim
6 Toughness
6F S-Deflect
9 Toughness
10F Power Attack
12 Dodge
12F Cleave
14F Great Cleave
15 Mobility
16F IC:Slashing,Piercing or Bludgeoning
18 Spring Attack
18F Quick Draw
20 Whirlwind
Unyielding Sentinel
21 Epic Toughness
24 Bulwark of Defense
26 Holy Strike
27 Blinding Speed
28 Elusive Target