First off, I think you may have your priorities backwards. DDO is 95% killing monsters and 1% dealing with traps; therefore, your focus should be on the former, not the latter.
Second, being a good trapper depends a lot more on having the right gear & buffs than your base stats or how many APs you spend in Mechanic. Things like Skill Boost and Mechanics help, ofc, but they aren't requirements.
Third, while the rogue PrEs are geared towards specific weapons (Acro = staff, Ass = TWF kukris / daggers, Mech = xbows), you aren't forced to use them. You can sidestep the preferred weapons if you wish.
Now, that said, a pure rogue may not be the best fit for you, depending on what your revised build goals are. You might prefer a rog / rgr like a
Tempest trapmonkey or a rog / ftr. Fortunately, you should've received an LR +20 Heart of Wood, which will let you completely revise your build.
BTW, did you mean you took a +2 Supreme tome to all stats? There is no "+2 tomes for all of the skills," AFAIK.