So yeah its about that time again, my brain is itching to solve another mystery...this is whats the highest possible overall saves a single character can achieve based solely on class features, stats and feats IOW no equipment, Self cast spells only and no ED stuff. The only other rule is the character has to be usable...not super powerful just usable otherwise things just get ridiculous.
Oh and because this is my thread I'm banning Bullheaded,Discipline,Great Fortitude, Great Fortitude,Iron Will ,Lightning Reflexes,Luck of Heroes,Resist Poison and Snake Blood because nobody would ever actually waste a feat slot on those.
Now I could be way off but at the moment I'm thinking a Paladin/Monk (Monks get fantastic saves and Grandmaster of Water and Paladins get Divine Grace and their Aura to boost them even more) with primary stats Wis/Dex/Con (Will, Reflex and Fort respectively) with a decent Cha (To fuel divine grace) and a focus on Sacred Defender (partially because it allows you to add a bunch more +Xs to your various saves but also because your gonna be a pretty tough cookie may as well spec to be able to tank).
Not really sure what to do with the final level so I took 1 fighter for an extra feat to fit in GTWF. Race wise Halfling was chosen for bonus to dex (more reflex, -str does not affect saves) and their core enhancements that boost saves.
Something like this. (Note: First life character and 32pt please stick to that for sake of simplicity)
Current Best
Original Attempt
Halfling Monk13/Paladin6/Fighter1 (Shintao/Defender)
Dex 16+1(Lvls)+2(Halfling)+5(Tome) = 24 (+7)
Con 16+4(Tome) = 20 (+5)
Wis 16+4(Lvls)+4(Water Stance)+2(Shintao)+4(Tome) = 30 (+10)
Cha 14+2(SaD)+4(Tome) = 20 (+5)
1 TWF,Stunning Fist
2 Weapon Finesse
3 Dragonmark, Light Path
6 Resilience
12 ITWF, Toughness
15 IC:Bludgeoning
18 Grandmaster of Forms
Note: Stuff that saves against X (against poison, fear or traps) instead of just a flat bonus to saves don't count because their limited to specific things
7 Dex Mod
8 Monk Lvls
2 Pally Lvls
5 Divine Grace
4 Paladin Aura
3 Sacred Defense
4 Resilience
3 Halfling
3 Ninja Spy Agility
1 Resistance Pally Spell
5 Water Stance
5 Con Mod
8 Monk Lvls
5 Pally Lvls
2 Fighter Lvl
5 Divine Grace
4 Paladin Aura
3 Sacred Defense
4 Resilience
3 Shintao Conditioning
3 Halfling
1 Resistance Pally Spell
5 Water Stance
10 Will Mod
8 Monk Lvls
2 Pally Lvls
5 Divine Grace
4 Paladin Aura
3 Sacred Defense
4 Resilience
3 Halfling
1 Resistance Pally Spell
3 Henshin Contemplation
5 Water Stance